Thursday, November 24, 2011

I am thankful: 24

Happy Thanksgiving!

Gratitude Rolls
This is my absolute favorite time of year and I can't believe Thanksgiving is already here! I couldn't be happier to be spending it in Newbury Park with my family and celebrating all the things we are thankful for. My mom and I found this awesome little craft on Pinterest that we're going to turn into a game. Each of us will write something we're thankful for and bake it into our dinner rolls. Then we'll try to guess who wrote each one! Fun, right? It's going to be hard to choose just one thing to write down because although it's been 24 full days of thankfulness, that's nothing compared to how thankful I am for so many things in my life each and every day.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am thankful: 23

Today I'm thankful for finally making it to California.

6 hours later...fab.

Hartling family road trips are always...interesting, to say the least. Between stopping every 30 minutes to go to the bathroom, laying all over each other in the car, yelling at people on the road, and me pretty much always getting car sick, we somehow manage to always make the 4 hour drive from Vegas to California a 6 & 1/2 drive. We're stressful travelers but once we arrive at our destination and the delirium sets in, it all becomes pretty hilarious.

Anyways, we made it safely to our hometown in California, ate at a favorite local spot, and are settled in at a nice cozy hotel where the 4 of us get to listen to each other snore to hell all night. But I am genuinely happy that we get to spend Thanksgiving here this year, and I'm thankful that most of the family will get to be together tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am thankful: 22

Today I'm thankful for simple joys.

El Burrito Loco

Whether it's watching the Dancing With the Stars finale with my parents, getting a hopeful email, eating a meal you've been craving for months picking your brother up at the airport, getting a drink with a friend, or hearing a joke that makes you laugh uncontrollably even though in retrospect it wasn't really that funny, it's the little things that make me smile that I'm thankful for. Because life wouldn't be nearly as awesome if I didn't get to smile for no reason and be happy about the little things.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful: 21

Today (and everyday) I'm thankful for my friends.

The ones who support and encourage, 
and share in the best of times and the worst. 
Who have been there through childhood, the (many) awkward phases,
moody teens, and pre-adulthood.
My rock.

The ones who make me laugh by singing to me in the car,
share in millions of inside jokes (this here's my whhhife),
rush over to take care of me in times of complete crisis and utter despair,
and keep me grounded when I'm out of control.
My best friend.

The ones who don't judge me
and accept me as I am,
even if what I am is a complete mess.
My soulmate

The ones who listen and offer advice
in between each irrational vent sesh.
My confidant.

The ones that love me unconditionally
through time and distance
and who keep their promises.
My girls.

The ones who I can shoot the shit with,
be crazy, be loud, be stupid, and borderline embarrassing.
My musketeers.

And even those that aren't pictured.
Those that have made an impact on my life
will always have a special place in my heart.

I'm so thankful for you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I am thankful: 20

Today I'm thankful for growth.

I'm sitting here doing a mini-reflection on the past year and realizing how thankful I am for the person I've grown into. Now, my real 2011 reflection will be much bigger, longer, and way more drawn out than my little thankful blurbs and there will probably be many tears involved, so I'll save the heavy stuff for that post (because y'all KNOW it's coming). But as far as the mini reflection goes, I do realize how thankful I am for all the experiences I've had this year because I've grown a LOT, learned a LOT, changed a LOT (in a good way) and have overall been much happier than I have been in a long time. I started the year pretty darn hopeful with some really personal new years resolutions that I thought were probably a stretch for me, but I've done a pretty freaking awesome job of keeping them in mind. It's now November and I'm STILL keeping track of those goals from 11 months ago. I knew this year would be full of changes, but the one I'm most thankful for are the changes that have caused me to grow up a little and start becoming the adult version of Chelsea that's been trying to surface. But don't get too carried away, I mean, I'm only 22. I still have a lot of kid left in me :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I am thankful: 19

Today I'm thankful for my sister, Ashley.
(Otherwise known as Volcanic Ash of the Fabulous Sin City Roller Girls)

Tonight I had the honor of watching her skate in a roller derby bout for the first time! (My first time, not hers.) Watching her do something she's so passionate about inspires me to find and pursue something I'm passionate about. I've always looked up to Ashley for being my big sister, but now I look to her for more: friendship, support, advice, and of course whenever I need to vent about things only a sister would understand. I'm thankful for her everyday and for the enormous growth in our relationship over the past year.

I am thankful: 18

Today I'm thankful for the feeling of home.

It's still weird to me that Vegas is supposed to be "home" now, but I'm getting used to it. The house my parents bought is turning into more of a home everyday & it's taken a 180 turn since we bought it - new floors, new paint, new everything. And with the addition of all our pictures hung, it feels much more homey. It's been quite some time since I've experienced this feeling because the last time I was in my real home was in April. It feels nice to have my family settled in & really having a place of their own again. We even have our first official visitor this weekend! Even though the move was pretty tough at first, Vegas is a destination place & I know that no matter what people will always be coming here (hopefully more than once). This place might not technically be MY home, but I'm thankful that it's turning into more of a home & a central that we can all lean on.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I am thankful: 17

Today I'm thankful for the start of Thanksgiving break! 

I just realized this is my last official Fall Break... sad! But, it couldn't have come sooner. I am so happy to be done with midterm tests and projects and ready to start relaxing and hanging out with my family. Things I'm looking forward to most:

-Dirty Mex lunch date tomorrow with my dad
-Visiting my favorite UFC peeps including DEUCES
-Driving to California for the holiday
-Watching my sister play Roller Derby
-Making egg nog cupcakes with my mom
-Sleeping in every single day, and
- <-- Cuddlin with mah kitties

In one hour I will be heading to the airport and making my way back to Vegas and I'm so thankful that this day is finally here!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am thankful: 16

Today I'm thankful for patience.

Let's be honest here for a sec, I have no patience. None at all. Pretty much not a single ounce of it. I hate waiting for things and I get frustrated REALLY easily. It's a character flaw, what can I say. So for a short little story, my phone recently decided it didn't want to charge anymore. Guy at Sprint store says "it's a software issue, try charging it while it's off," of course that doesn't work, take it back in, he says there's nothing he can do and I need to order a new one which could take a few days to arrive. All on the day before I'm set to go out of town for Thanksgiving. And me being the most impatient person in the world gives the guy a little attitude before storming out of the store.

My first instinct in a situation like this is to call my dad and complain - but HAHAH jokes on me because turns out I don't have a phone to call him with now! So instead, I calmly go home and IM a friend to complain and he kindly offered to help me sort the whole thing out. Instead of getting seriously worked up (which I'm prone to), I somehow was granted a very minimal amount of patience that is allowing me to see this as an opportunity instead of a problem (granted, it's still a problem, I mean how am I going to wake up in the morning without my phone as an alarm clock?!). And the opportunity is to distance myself from this constant need to be connected through my phone. He and I are attached at the hip - I'm constantly checking it even when I know there's no messages, playing WordFeud, checking twitter, checking facebook, reading articles, not paying attention in class, and texting. It's bad. And I always try to find ways to justify it.

But the truth is, I probably need a couple days away from it so I can practice this patience and realize that there are more important things in my life than my smart phone, and there are other ways for people to communicate with me. Of course I can't (and won't) be giving up technology all together (what are you, crazy?!) and I haven't been off my computer since this went down, but... baby steps, people. Today I'm thankful for this small lesson in patience and for the break from my all-too-serious relationship with that phone.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am thankful: 15

Today I'm thankful for music.

Ah yes, if music be the food of love, play on! A little Shakespeare for your Tuesday afternoon, but I dare you to find a truer statement. As a kid I grew up taking singing lessons, participating in multiple choirs, and singing with my very musically talented family at every possible get together. For some reason I never pursued anything in music throughout college, until now - my final semester. I decided to take both piano lessons and music composition and it has been great getting back into it. I'm lucky to start out each day learning about music, playing music, and listening to different kinds of music. It's truly been inspiring and I'm regretting not doing this sooner!

Loving music is something the majority of people have in common, but to say I love it is not satisfying enough for me. I can't think of anything else in the world that can effect me the way music does. It has the ability to get me through any situation - good or bad, stimulates my brain, makes me want to dance, laugh, sing, cry, recalls memories, and can drastically change my mood at any given second. And while my taste in music ranges from classic oldies to techno, I have a new favorite song every day. I'm thankful that music has had such an impact on my life since I was a child. And because I could NEVER pick just ONE favorite song, here's one from one of my favorite artists that just genuinely makes me happy every time I hear it, and I hope will make you happy too.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I am thankful: 14

Adventures in Pittsburgh
Where we met, lived, learned, and loved

 Today I'm thankful for one of my very best friends and soulmate, Chelsea.

Meeting her this summer was the best possible thing that could have happened to me, and the timing could not have been more perfect. She came into my life at a make-it or break-it moment, where it was crucial for my sanity to be surrounded by the right people. From day one I selfishly leaned on her so much, and she willingly listened, offered advice, and helped me grow every single day. Together we had some of the most incredible experiences of our lives, and by the end of the summer were wondering how we would ever make it apart from each other. I can't express how thankful I am to her for showing me how I am worthy of fireworks, and to the universe for bringing us together. I do not know where I would be today without her. <3

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I am thankful: 13

Today I'm thankful for my god-sisters.

Let me tell you a little something about my god-sisters, Courtney and Lindsey. I've known them since the day I was born, and you don't realize how lucky that makes me. Both of them are so much fun (Men of X, anyone?), so supportive, funny (Um, we just Wedding.), smart, talented, beautiful, amazing women and the biggest perk about moving to Vegas is being closer to them. Lindsey is one smart chick - going off to MEDICAL SCHOOL soon (seriously? I can barely do fractions so this is over the top impressive to me) and Courtney just got ENGAGED to a wonderful guy. Basically, the future is so bright for them, and lucky for me, I get to be there every step of the way! I'm so thankful that I have these two to brighten up my life, listen when I need to vent, and share a zillion cocktails with to celebrate any and every occasion. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I am thankful: 12

Today I'm thankful for the UFC!

Of course interning there this summer made me a HUGE fan, and tonight I was so happy to watch the UFC's debut on FOX for the Heavyweight title! It was thrilling and exciting and definitely got my adrenaline pumping! It may seem like such a random, little thing to be thankful for, but in those moments where I am completely immersed in my excitement, can't contain myself, and am just genuinely so happy - well THAT'S what I'm thankful for. And if watching the UFC is what gets me to that point, then I'm thankful for the UFC too :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

I am thankful: 11

Today I'm thankful for America's Veterans.

It only seems appropriate to acknowledge my thankfulness for their service on Veterans Day. It must be one of the toughest jobs in the world to be a service member. Having to spend a lot of time away from your family and friends to be serving our country. Sometimes far away or in places they don't want to be, often times risking their lives on a daily basis for the people back home. It does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

And to my favorite Veteran of all - my Grandpa John. Aka: Sgt. John Adams Ford, Veteran of the Korean war. This picture makes me so happy and very proud to be his granddaughter. Wasn't he a stud?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I am thankful: 10

Today (and everyday) I'm thankful for my brother, Connor.

Since the day he was born (which was ALMOST on my birthday I might add) I have been thankful for my brother. He's been my best friend, my confidant, and my rock for so many years. I just don't know what I would do without him!

I turn to him for so many different last year when I thought Ken Buck was going to win the senate seat in Colorado. I called Connor crying and he sat on the phone with me for hours reassuring me and making me feel better, no matter how ridiculous THAT meltdown was.


We used to fight more than we got along, but even when I hated him I would have done anything for him. We actually STILL fight all the time. Like over the summer when he would come get lunch with me at work we would fight every. single. time. about whether to get In-N-Out or dirty Mex. But the conversation after those battles took place (which I usually lost) were worth every second spent arguing.

Oh, and don't mind this crazy, candid picture. It's just basically our awesome relationship in a nutshell.

There's so many memories I share with Connor that only a brother and sister could appreciate. From shared birthday parties to family vacations.. we've bonded over the times we hated our parents, inside jokes like "TAMACAMO THE BEAR," our impeccable taste in music, and the fact that we're both always right about everything ever. I love my brother more than anything in the world, and these are just a few reasons why I'm thankful for him every single day.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am thankful: 9


Today I'm thankful for this memory.


It's one of my favorite memories of all time. Me, Cory, and Kirby at Disneyland in 2008. It was honestly one of the best days of my life. We woke up at the ass crack of dawn (literally, like 5am), drove down to Disneyland to get there exactly when it opened, and stayed the entire day until midnight when the park closed. We had so much energy all day and felt like little kids running around, singing classic Disney songs all day, riding every single ride. It was pure fun from start to finish. And most of all, when I think of that day, I think of how it taught me that life is too short to NOT have that much fun at every given chance. It encouraged me to quit doing something that had been important to me for 12 years but was weighing me down beyond belief. Any time I think of my happiest memories or think back to a time when I was unconditionally happy, this is the day I think back to. I'm so thankful I got to experience it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am thankful: 8

Today I'm thankful for distractions. 

Today I bought my cap & gown for graduation which ultimately led to a mini-melt-down which was sparked by my inability to play a I, IV, and V7 chord in the key of B on the piano. Saying that out loud sounds like the most ridiculous thing in the world. I suppose it was just a long time coming and the piano thing just put me over the edge. I was so frustrated and dramatically sitting there in utter despair thinking "what is my life?!?!" when I threw my piano book on the floor, almost threw my keyboard into the wall (almost) and walked 2 steps into my living room to find that it was exactly 8:00 and time for the Dancing With The Stars results show. Coincidence? Or gift from above? I'm going with gift, because in that moment of feeling so completely frustrated beyond belief with so many built up things, I became distracted. The combination of ice cream, mindless TV, and the list of blogs I read really made me feel much better about life, and it's exactly what I needed in that moment. And while I was drowning in my metaphorical pit of despair, I actually thought to myself "God damn it, what is there to be thankful for right now?" I had to dig pretty deep in that moment to remind myself that there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for. Even if it's so little and insignificant that only YOU would understand. There's always, always, always something to be thankful for, no matter what.

Monday, November 7, 2011

I am thankful: 7

Today I'm thankful for all the little things I often take for granted.

-Clean clothes
-Running water
-3 meals a day
-My teeny apartment
-A working heater
-Doctors who take care of me

There's obviously so many other things I take for granted on a daily basis (see: any luxury item I own like my computer or ipod) and I know that this short list barely scratches the surface. But giving thanks is about taking a look at the things you don't always appreciate and recognizing them. There's so many people in this world who don't have any of the things listed above. There's so many people who would quite literally give anything they had for running water or shoes or a tiny, warm shelter to stay for the night. I sometimes complain about these things instead of appreciating them, so I think it's important for me to take a step back and look at all I have and be grateful for it. Give thanks.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am thankful: 6

 Today I'm thankful for my extended family.

This year will be the first in 10 that my entire family (or at least the majority of us) will get to spend both Thanksgiving and Christmas together. We've all been spread out for quite some time now between California, Colorado, and New York but whenever we all get together we turn into one of those families you only WISH you were a part of. They're so fun and supportive and they mean the world to me. No one has a family like mine! I'm pretty lucky. 
(I wish I could picture them all!)

The cousins: Chad, Sara, Kyla, Brianna

Aunt Glenna

Cousin Chadwick
Uncles Prescott and Paul

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I am thankful: 5

Today I'm thankful for COLLEGE FOOTBALL!
(kind of....)

I don't really watch football. But I DID have the opportunity to go to my first (and sadly, probably last) CU game last night against my best friend Cory's school, USC. Of course USC dominated (not surprising) but it was fun to stand with my school and get to have that experience before I graduate. I went to football games all the time at KU so I never thought missing out on CU football was a big deal. Turns out, it's definitely worthwhile to stand and cheer for your school - even if you're losing big time and don't really know what's going on 90% of the game. I'm thankful for these college experiences I'll take with me forever.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I am thankful: 4

Today I'm thankful for the future.

Right now I have so many awesome things to look forward to and I'm so thankful that I have such a bright future ahead. In the very near future I get to go home for Thanksgiving and spend it with my entire family which we have not been able to do in 10 years, 2ish weeks after that I'll be graduating from college, followed by Christmas in Vegas with AGAIN (almost) my entire extended family. And after that, who knows! All I know is the next few weeks are really going to be something to appreciate and after that my future is wide open to so many new possibilities. I'm lucky to be where I am right now, and I need to remind myself to be thankful for it :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

I am thankful: 3

Today I'm thankful for my best friend, Cory.

we <3 overalls.

I can't stress enough how much she has impacted my life. She's known me longer and better than any other friend I've ever had, and she has made it abundantly clear through the years that she is the one person I can count on for absolutely anything at any time. I'm so proud of her for all she has accomplished in life at 22 years old. And most of all, I am so thankful that the universe brought us together at 6 years old, allowing me to forever call her MINE :)

Ps. Our school's are playing each other this weekend for the first time EVER (at least in our college careers) and I wish so badly that she could be here for it!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I am thankful: 2

Today I'm thankful for my education.

It's been an absolutely crazy ride for the last 4 1/2 years between college athletics, a transfer of schools, and numerous classes I was scared I'd never be able to pass, but it's been one of the most valuable experiences of my life. I have just a few weeks left to go before I graduate and move on to the "real world" and I'm just as scared for that as I was about starting college (and believe me, I was SCARED about starting college). College has been good to me, and I'm thankful that I've been able to have this experience and learn so much. I've met amazing people, found a passion in communications, and I will cherish the memory of it forever.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I am thankful: 1

Well folks, it's that time of year again! My FAVORITE time of year. Because November 1st marks the beginning of the holiday season, and all you faithful long time followers know what that means for this little blog... a whole month of Thankfulness followed by a 25 day countdown to Christmas! Yippee!

So, for every day in November, I will remind myself of one thing I am thankful for - something I really should do every single day of the year but since I often fail to appreciate all the little things I'm thankful for on a daily basis, this is my happy way of building up to the most thankful day of the year.

Day one: Today (and everyday) I am thankful for my parents.

I'm so lucky to have Karen and Doug as my parents. They are the most supportive people I know. They gave me the best childhood imaginable, stuck by me through those moody teenage years, and even to this day are still encouraging me and helping me much more than I deserve. I don't know what I would do without them and their unconditional love.