Monday, February 9, 2009

baby boom?

Recently i have noticed that alot, and i mean ALOT, of people i went to highschool with now have children or are pregnant. I feel weird saying anything out loud about it but since no one really knows i have this blog im gonna vent about it here.

what is wrong with people? really...i mean let me recall the people i know who have or are having children now, without naming them.

1. gross girl from highschool. has no boyfriend. drinks every night. didnt go to college. does hair for a living. is having a baby on her own.
2. other girl from highschool. 1 year older than me. already got married and is already getting a divorce. has a 1 year old son.
3. girl at my college who hid her pregnancy, and to everyones surprise, had her baby like 2 weeks ago out of the frickin blue.
4. guy from my highschool who has a month old daughter with some chick.
5. another girl 1 year older than me, has a boyfriend, not married, didnt go to college, waitress.

lets see. where to start. thats 5 people i know who have or are having babies. and none of them were planned. NONE.and all these other people are congratulating them like it was their choice. since im almost positive none of these were planned, whats to congratulate for? they arent married, they arent in school, they dont have steady jobs, and they are bringing a life into this world? come on. how do you think that kid is going to feel when he grows up and learns that he wasnt planned and his parent(s) didnt even know how to take care of themselves at the time?

i just dont understand...we all went through the same sex ed classes didnt we? we all learned about safe sex and what NOT to do. so why all these unplanned pregnancies? i mean its really freaking me out how much life is being brought into this world by people my age, people i know, people i went to school with not too long ago.

I dont think people understand what a big responsibility it is to have a child. raising a kid is not like raising a puppy. and its a hell of alot more expensive. so what are these people thinking? i just dont get how people can go around getting drunk every night, hook up with some random stranger, and then boom have a child? really? like its nothing at all, no big deal, ill just have a baby! .....what?

maybe i sound harsh, but at this age there is so much life ahead of us that it just seems like it would be insane to think about having a kid right now. and it freaks me out to look back and think, wow, i had a class with you...we talked about our plans in life...who knew this would happen to you. i just dont think people understand how life changing having a child is. its something you PLAN for. i want children. but i want them WHEN i want them.

which leads me to my next point....has no one heard of birth control? how many freaking forms of it are there? its not that hard i just dont get it. and im not saying go out and have an abortion if you get pregnant, or give it up for adoption, im just saying, be smart.

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