Saturday, February 14, 2009


I was literally all ready to get on here and write a big long blog about why valentines day sucks asshole and should be banned from the planet. I wanted to sleep all day and forget about the huge awareness singles get on this day. My roommates boyfriend is in town and i pretty much was planning on being alone all day feeling sorry for myself.

My day started off with a way too early morning awakening. I really would have liked to sleep half the day away but i ended up waking up around 10:30. all 3 of my roommates got me flowers. krista got me a huge daisy and the twins got me a bouquet of daisies and it really touched me. they all knew how down i have been and it really made me feel good to know how much they care about me and wanted to make me happy. i love them so much.

I was planning on seeing krista and her boyfriend acting all cute and lovie but they really werent. we talked about today and they vocalized that they dont need a day to show their love because they show it all the time. they love each other so instead of showing it off to the world, they show it to each other on a regular basis.

anyways, i went out to dinner with my friend hannah and when the night was over, she handed me a shoebox that said happy valentines day chelsea on it and i opened it when i got home. Inside was this dress i have been wanting so badly from old navy and i literally started crying. that was the nicest gesture anyone has ever done for me and i cant even explain all the things that go beyond the dress that hannah has installed in my life. it was just so special to me and it really made my entire life tonight.

Its nice to know that on days like this when the whole world seems against you, that you really do have good friends and people who care deeply about you. maybe thats what valentines day is really about? maybe i should stop hating on it and appreciate the love that i have in my life? cause really, all you need is love. any kind. love is love.

happy valentines day.

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