Sunday, March 29, 2009


Its going to be a very hard year for my family. My grandpa passed away on January 5th, and my great Aunt Marie is headed that way right now too. It's going to be especially hard on my Grandma. I cant imagine losing a husband and a sister in the same year.

I don't know how to handle it emotionally other than to stick with my family and support them no matter what it takes. I just don't like being so far away. It's not like I can hop a plane and fly out to be with my family. It costs a lot of money and I'm in the middle of school. Of course it's never convenient for someone to pass, but how are people supposed to deal with all of this? There isn't a "right way" and there never will be.

I admire my friend Jill so much because she has been through about 4 deaths in the last 3 years, and that is a LOT. She is the only person who can make me feel better and calmer and at peace with the fact that people pass and it's going to be hard no matter who it is. No matter what your relationship to that person, how well you knew them, how close you were, it doesnt matter. It's going to be hard, and it's going to sting.

I know that death is a part of life, but I wish it wasn't. Not only do I feel the loss of people who have just passed, or who are about to pass, but I feel the loss of people who passed almost 20 years ago. It's sad and scary and heartbreaking, and its even more heartbreaking watching how your family deals with it. My mother breaks down randomly all the time, for instance.

I wish it could be easier, but it cant. And thats all. Death is what it is, and we can only hope that the people we love are waiting for us on the other side.

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