Monday, April 20, 2009


I came up with a quote to sum up this day:

"It's a joyous day all around! Hitler was born, Columbine happened, and now pot smokers of the planet can unite and get stoned and celebrateeeee..................nothing."

Seriously? like why is this even considered a holiday for some people. It's quite pathetic if you ask me, and in all honesty, it's ignorant. I mean, lets celebrate drugs! or not?

People seem to forget that on this day, Hitler was born. Now I realize that Hitler has nothing to do with smoking weed and getting stoned off your ass, but if anything this should be some kind of Holocaust remembrance day. 10's of millions of Jews were killed because of a man that was born on this day. Does anyone even acknowledge that while they are getting baked?

Which brings me to my next point. Today marks the 10 year anniversary of the Columbine massacre. Being from Colorado, this is a scary time. It's also a time to remember the innocent high schoolers that were killed because of ignorance, just like the ignorance you pot smokers put on display on 420.

Does any of this even matter anymore? Everyone is so concerned with gathering together to take that magical puff of weed on the exact moment of 420, and celebrating what? The fact that you are partaking in the usage of illegal drugs? OOOOH REBEL, REBEL.

Does it make you cool? No.
Does it make you ignorant? Yes.
Far be it from me to tell anyone what they can and cant do, but get real people. There is no reason to get excited about a day that has so much tragedy attached to it, and forget what has happened in the past in order to feel something that you could feel just as strongly on any other day of the year.

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