Saturday, May 16, 2009

john denver.

my mom and i just watched an old concert of john denver on tv so i dug into our cd collection and pulled out his greatest hits to put on my computer.

i absolutely love his music. his voice is so pure and soft and has no fake electronics added to it. all of his songs speak from his heart and his lyrics are just beautiful. no one writes songs like this anymore.

its so tragic that this world had to lose talent like his. my parents both got to see him in concert multiple times before he died (and one of his song's is there wedding song!).

if i ever got the opportunity to do professional recording again, i would love to make a cover album of all of his songs. they are all in my range and think about it, no one ever does his songs anymore. it would be so cool.

i hope thats not one of my life-long dreams that never comes true. i took recording for granted when i was a kid because i didnt know any better. all i saw was the long days standing in a studio with men who smelled like BO coming in every 5 seconds to correct the microphones. if i had a chance to do it all over again, i would make sure i never let it go.

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