Friday, May 15, 2009

so far so good.

sitting on my bed at home looking at the fat mess of shit i have to put somewhere else. how is it possible for me to have enough stuff to fill two bedrooms completely? and how is it that i never have anything to wear, and no place to put any of my clothes? sheesh!

it is good to be home though. i love sleeping in my own bed. even though its teeny weeny here, i like to burrow and it fits me perfectly.
random fact: i still sleep in the first bed i ever owned...

i think im going up on monday to look for a place to live in boulder. i hope i can find something not too expensive. for the last few days ive been kinda getting caught in my own head, most likely because of the sadness of leaving my girls in kansas, but now that i am home i have this urge to go up to boulder and see it again or something. im kind of excited. its going to be a new adventure and i really think im ready to take it on.

man i do NOT want to clean this room. its out of control.

also, i changed the layout of my blog like a week ago, and i dont really like it now. it looks so bland and plain and not me at all. i need something FUNNER. i dont know how to work this thing to make it my own other than to pick from the like 5 layout choices it gives you. HMPH.

oh yeah, and my fish babyyy survived the 8 hour drive in a water bottle in my cup-holder and is now happily swimming in her bowl. what a trooper.

i have so much to do. BLEH.
iiiiiii dont wanna work. i just wanna bang on the drum all dayyy.

well, this rant is over. peace out cub scout.

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