Saturday, May 2, 2009

second to last weekend.

Its the last weekend I have here in Kansas with all 3 of my roommates. I'm pretty sad about it. I know I made the decision, but its the same as when I quit diving. I know its the right thing to do but I cant help but feel sad. I love these girls and the very last weekend I will be here, the twins will be in Hawaii for the weekend for a family thing and Krista and I will be studying for finals. Its coming up so fast, so we decided to take some pictures around campus for our memories. It was a really good idea. I have a few of them now, but Krista's dad has all the rest. I haven't even posted these on facebook yet because I wanted to wait until I have them all so here is the first exclusive look! oooh, you guys are the first, for those of you who read. And I doubt that's hardly anyone. Here's just a couple.

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