Thursday, June 11, 2009


Ok, seriously. This is getting ridiculous.
It has been raining every single day since I've been home. And not only that but for the last 5 or 6 days in a row there has been at least one tornado warning.
A few days ago a tornado destroyed a mall about 5 miles from my house.
Right this second, I am sitting in my basement with my brother, my dog and my 2 cats listening to the weather channel repeat every 5 seconds that everyone in our county needs to be running for cover. They even referenced my specific neighborhood as highly dangerous!!
It's hailing golf ball sized ice, and I bet you my car that I bought with MY OWN MONEY that us quietly sitting in the driveway is going to have hail damage. How perfectly freaking amazing.
It's all the same. I thought I left tornado land behind me, but apparently not since I come home to it. I swear it's following me.


Good thing I didn't become a lifegaurd this summer or I would literally have not worked a single day because of all this god damn weather.
Such bullshit. At least in Colorado I have a basement and I don't have to hide in the bathroom.

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