Friday, June 12, 2009

Weight Loss Journey continued...

Well, it was my third official weigh in at Weight Watchers this morning. Needless to say, I am not happy with how this is going right now.

Last year by this weigh in I had already lost 5 pounds and was as motivated as ever. This year, that's not the case. I didn't lose as much as I wanted and expected the first week, and now I have actually gained a pound back. So, in total, I have gained back half of what I've already lost.

I know it doesn't seem like one pound is a lot, but when you're losing a pound, it is a lot.

The thing that makes me the most upset about this is the fact that I actually did very well this week. I didn't cheat on my points, and even when presented with chances to cheat I didn't. When I went out to dinner with a friend, I suggested sushi because it's really low points, and I had lean cuisine's and double fiber everything. I even took my dog on a 45 minute walk last night. I knew I didn't feel like I had lost much, if anything, but I really wasn't expecting a gain.

When you gain instead of lose, your motivation goes out the window. It's because you feel like all the healthy food and excersize and lack of delicious things to eat has gone to waste. All I really want is a Royal Red Robin burger from Red Robin with a fatty fried egg on it, but I have resisted all in the name of losing these 10 pounds so I can look and feel good before I go to California and back to school. All the resisting seems like bullshit right now since apparently even eating what I'm supposed to makes me gain weight.

I know I don't have that much to lose, but the more I gain the more has to come off. If next week isn't better, I give up. skdjhflkjshdflkjbsadfkjhsdkjfhb <--that's how I feel right now.

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