Monday, July 20, 2009

Contemplating 20 Part 2.

This is the last day of my teenage years. The very last day I can ever call myself a teenager. I think 20 is more of an adult than 18. Tomorrow it starts. My 20's. The real world. More responsibility, less I'm able to get away with.

Am I sad? A little.
Am I looking forward to my 20's? Hell yeah.

It's bittersweet, ya know? It's literally the end of an era. But also the beginning of another, very different one. Most people my age are already 20 and it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it does feel different to me. Like when I turned 10 and I cried because I would never be "single digits" ever again. Will I cry tomorrow? Probably not, but I will definitely feel nostalgic.

Roaring 20's here I come!

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