Monday, October 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Bean!

Happy Birthday to my best friend in the whole world, Ryan.
I can't believe I met him when I was 16
and now he is turning 21.
This guy changed my life from the moment I met him.
I'm pretty sure we have been through more together
than any other 2 people you know.
We have experienced so much together, been through good times,
bad times, hard times, fun times,
and had every imaginable "1st."
We have stayed by each other through just about everything,
and he means so much more to me than I could say.
He's one of the few people in this world who understands me.
He knows when to talk and what to say and how to calm me down.
Even though I can't have any yet, I can't wait to take him out for drinks tomorrow.
You'll always be my Bean.
Happy 21st Birthday!

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