Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Farewell Note to 2009

As I begin my farewell note to 2009, I would like to recap some of the monumental events that occurred in my life.

January 1st, 2009: Grandpa John has a stroke and we fly to California.
January 5th, 2009: Grandpa John passes away.
January 10th, 2009: Dad moves to Vegas.

April 18th, 2009: Great Aunt Marie passes away.
April 30th, 2009: Got my acceptance letter to the University of Colorado.

May 30th, 2009: I fell in love with 2 five year old boys at my summer job as a nanny.

July 21st, 2009: I entered my roaring 20's.
July 23rd, 2009: Orientation at my new school.

August 4th, 2009: First tattoo on my hip.
August 20th, 2009: Moved into my apartment in Boulder.
August 24th, 2009: First day as a Buff!
August 25th, 2009: Brianna Swain passes away.

September 14th, 2009: Cousin Sara gets married in NY!

October 15th, 2009: Family Friend, Lillian passes away.

December 29th, 2009: Brother gets awarded a $9,000 scholarship to Seattle University!
December 31st, 2009: Here we are. Last day of the year.

As you can see, it's been a pretty rough year. A lot of heartache and challenges literally from day 1. I want to leave this year behind and start fresh tomorrow, but I will never ever forget what this year has taught me:

-Change is inevitable, and sometimes it's exactly what we need.
-Life is incredibly short, and not one day should be taken for granted.
-People matter more to you than you might think.
-Every challenge in life should be met with hope and the willingness to work hard to overcome.
-Coldplay can get you through anything (I mean, ANYTHING).
-Pictures are a must. You might never get the opportunity to take another one together.
-True friends will stand by you no matter how far away or what is happening.
-Family is the most important thing to keep close to you.
-True love never dies. Even 50 years down the road.

I didn't think I could make it through this year with everything that happened. I couldnt have made it through without my Dad, Mom, Connor, Ryan, Jill, and a handful of others who's unconditional support and love are the reason I am still standing. But with the bad also came the few good things that brought light. Life is funny, and bittersweet.

My new years resolutions:

-Lose 15 pounds. Be happy with myself.
-Stay positive through the rough spots.
-Make the efforts to keep in touch.
-Do one thing every day for me.

Starting not only a new year, but an entirely new decade. Imagine the possibilities that could happen in the next 10 years. I want to look back in 2020 and be happily surprised.

Cheers to 2010! Let's make this the best year yet.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

It was a great holiday. I loved being home in California with *almost* all my family. We spent Christmas eve at my Aunt and Uncles house in Culver City (a long lasting tradition that I love) and Christmas day at my sisters apartment in Sherman Oaks. It was really nice to see the family and spend a happy occasion together.

[Grandma Edna modeling her new Snuggie she got for Christmas]

[My Masterpiece, our Christmas Dinner Table]

We had a pre-Christmas celebration with some old family friends in Vegas. It was so good to see them and catch up. One good thing about my family moving to Vegas soon is that we'll get to see them more. There's good in everything.

[Lindsey, Me, Courtney]

After Christmas I got to spend a little time with my childhood besties, Jaclyn and Cory. I miss them dearly. I love being able to see them, even for just a little bit. Time and distance may separate us but whenever we're together it's like no time has passed at all.

[Me and Cory]

I went to the beach. It was so beautiful. There was nobody there but me and Jac, and in my mind I needed it. I needed to sit on the beach and look into the ocean and reflect on the events of the year. I needed to let everything rush over me and then let it go so I can start fresh for 2010.

[Me and Jaclyn at Hueneme Beach]

I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. It seems like such a long time time wait until next year, but with the way the years have started flying by, I know next year will be here in no time. And until then, I have a lot to look forward to.

Merry Christmas to all!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Had my first ride of the season at Winter Park yesterday with one of my best friends, Katie. It was a GREAT day of shredding the gnar and I can't wait to go again! Nothing better than an awesome day of boarding with nice weather and a best friend.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The End of 1st Semester Update!

Finals are OVER!

Remember back at the end of summer when I was blogging about how nervous I was to start up at my new school?
Well, I made it through a whole semester here at CU as the new Chelsea,
And I am so happy!

It always goes by so fast, but it feels so good to have yet another semester of college under my belt.
[It's sad that I only have so many left!]

I *hopefully* am ending this semester with awesome grades,
a whole bunch of great new friends,
and a whole lot to look forward to.

Back at home now for winter break with my real Christmas tree, but just for fun, here's a look at the one in my apartment
(courtesy of my Aunt Glenna and taken with my brand new digital camera!)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Closing time.

Man, I have been SLACKING on the blogging lately.
It's just so hard to come up with something inspiring to write about
when my head is filled with nothing but information about the last 2 tests of the semester.

Come Thursday, I will get back on track.
Just gotta make sure I finish with a BANG!
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Don't let the sun shine fool you. It's 1 degree here.
When I woke up this morning it was -11 degrees.
So cold it HURTS.
(I thought I lived in Colorado, not Antarctica.)
I never thought I would be praying for a 30 degree day,
but... please?

It's too cold to function.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Babyyy The Fish.

You were a great pet.
You survived an 8 hour drive from KS to CO in a water bottle.
You loved your reflection and attacking yourself.
I will miss you...

[Babyyy when I first got her in Kansas in August, 2008]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Case of the Sickies.

Well, I've been in bed with the flu
(or something to that effect)
for the past 3 days. Bored out of my freaking mind!
Anyways, found this little gem on youtube last night,
first time I've had the energy to laugh in days.
Am I a terrible person?