Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

It was a great holiday. I loved being home in California with *almost* all my family. We spent Christmas eve at my Aunt and Uncles house in Culver City (a long lasting tradition that I love) and Christmas day at my sisters apartment in Sherman Oaks. It was really nice to see the family and spend a happy occasion together.

[Grandma Edna modeling her new Snuggie she got for Christmas]

[My Masterpiece, our Christmas Dinner Table]

We had a pre-Christmas celebration with some old family friends in Vegas. It was so good to see them and catch up. One good thing about my family moving to Vegas soon is that we'll get to see them more. There's good in everything.

[Lindsey, Me, Courtney]

After Christmas I got to spend a little time with my childhood besties, Jaclyn and Cory. I miss them dearly. I love being able to see them, even for just a little bit. Time and distance may separate us but whenever we're together it's like no time has passed at all.

[Me and Cory]

I went to the beach. It was so beautiful. There was nobody there but me and Jac, and in my mind I needed it. I needed to sit on the beach and look into the ocean and reflect on the events of the year. I needed to let everything rush over me and then let it go so I can start fresh for 2010.

[Me and Jaclyn at Hueneme Beach]

I can't believe that Christmas has come and gone. It seems like such a long time time wait until next year, but with the way the years have started flying by, I know next year will be here in no time. And until then, I have a lot to look forward to.

Merry Christmas to all!

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