Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Single Man

I saw "A Single Man" last night with my family. I went into it only knowing that it took place during the 60's and was about a gay man. This beautiful creation of a film was so deep and touching and was not only about the struggles of being a homosexual, but about love and loss and it's enormous effects on people, something I think anyone can relate to.

It really touched me to see how someone who was so happy in life could have been handed this struggle to have his life changed 180 degrees in one phone call. How often this can happen in real life is something I am sure we have all experienced. How we deal and how we move on is what is unique to each of us.

It got me thinking about how each individual person's experiences are so incredibly different. We may have lost the exact same friend, but the relationship we have lost is completely unique to us. Our feelings about each situation are our own. And although we can try to sympathize and understand what one might be going through, can we ever really?

I don't have the words to say what a great film I thought this was, but if I can recommend seeing a movie this year, so far this is the one I would say. It was so deep and touching and emotional and beautifully filmed.

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