Sunday, June 27, 2010

Quote of the Week

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In This Moment.

A Song: Kissing the Lipless - The Shins
A Book: The Time Traveler's Wife
A Random Memory: Waking up at 5am to drive to Disneyland and spend the entire day there until midnight with Cory and Kirby, singing every Disney song we could possibly think of while standing in line for the rides, and dressed like the Incredibles, at 20 years old.
A Quote: "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." -Charles Darwin
A Picture:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcoming Katie and her Irish adventures!

One of my best friends, Katie has joined the world of blogging in order to photo document her 2 month internship in Dublin, Ireland this summer! So jealous that she gets to go have this amazing opportunity while leaving me behind in Parker, Colorado (tears!!). She will be uploading a picture everyday of her stay in Ireland which will just be fantastic for those of us who only dream of leaving the country for a while.
A little about Katie while I welcome her to blogger, she and I have been friends since the 7th grade. We were "link crew" leaders together in 8th grade, were on the swim team together all through high school, worked together at Black Eyed Pea (she got me my first job AND my current job), and we've even dated the same yucky boys (you know who you are!!) ;)

Katie is one of my very best friends. We have so much in common from our feminist ideas to our liberal politics to our sense of humor, and I love her so much. I know she is going to have an AMAZING time in Ireland (still jealous!!) and I can't wait to read her blog every day and hear about all of her adventures.

Check her out HERE.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Totally Honored by Haute Whimsy!

Today when I got on to update my blog,
I noticed something very special!
Someone that I have been following for a long time
Haute Whimsy
left me a comment on one of my posts!
Now, I hardly ever get comments,
And to have someone that has over 800 followers
take the time to look at my blog and leave a comment
was really special to me!
It made my day, so thank you very much!
I adore your blog!

On another note,
Today was the first day of summer that I took the little ninos
to the pool!
My good friend, Katie came with
(who happens to be starting a blog soon!)
and we played around and got some serious sun.
It's been a good summer day!

And one more thing:
Song of the day!
"You Lost Me" by Christina Aguilera off her new album Bionic.
It's not a very summery song but MAN that girl has pipes.
Love the song, you should check it out!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Update from a NON-Slacker

I can't believe it's JUNE. It's finally warm and it feels great. I have been babysitting like a crazy person since I got home (yay, summer job!) for my little ninos and my neighbor,


I started working out every single day. I know, me? Working out? But it's true! 30 minutes a day on the elliptical for 5 days in a row so far plus some arms, abs, and tons of stretching to go with it. For someone who despises exercise, I'm really sticking to it! And it makes me feel really good about myself because I am pushing myself every single day and doing something that I always tell myself I can't do. I'm only drinking water (and coffee, of course) and eating tons of fruit, so hopefully the results will be worth it. I have 50 days to get to where I want to be for my 21st birthday, so I'm really going to try to keep my work out up every day, no slacking!

Also, for anyone who has followed my blog for a while, every summer since I started blogging I have done Weight Watchers with one of my parents. The first summer I lost 15 pounds, felt amazing and it wasn't even hard to do. The second summer, I hardly lost anything and felt very deprived as I watched everyone eat shit all around me. It was tough. So this summer, I am doing it up differently. Still dieting as a summer ritual, but adding working out in there and just being more aware of what I consume. That means no more soda, and lots more fruit and veggies. We'll see how it goes! So far so good, and you KNOW I'll keep updating about it.

I almost feel like a new woman! Tomorrow I am getting my hair colored back to blonde, I'm making money, saving money, catching up and hanging out with old friends, and feeling good about myself right now. Going to try my hardest to keep it up!

Happiness is the key to success, or something so let's try it on for size!