Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcoming Katie and her Irish adventures!

One of my best friends, Katie has joined the world of blogging in order to photo document her 2 month internship in Dublin, Ireland this summer! So jealous that she gets to go have this amazing opportunity while leaving me behind in Parker, Colorado (tears!!). She will be uploading a picture everyday of her stay in Ireland which will just be fantastic for those of us who only dream of leaving the country for a while.
A little about Katie while I welcome her to blogger, she and I have been friends since the 7th grade. We were "link crew" leaders together in 8th grade, were on the swim team together all through high school, worked together at Black Eyed Pea (she got me my first job AND my current job), and we've even dated the same yucky boys (you know who you are!!) ;)

Katie is one of my very best friends. We have so much in common from our feminist ideas to our liberal politics to our sense of humor, and I love her so much. I know she is going to have an AMAZING time in Ireland (still jealous!!) and I can't wait to read her blog every day and hear about all of her adventures.

Check her out HERE.

1 comment:

Katie K. said...

You are an amazing, beautiful person Chels! I love you!! And I'm going to miss you so much! Expect LOTS of emails! :D