Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feelings of the Night.

Hmm... I just did one of these didn't I? Oh well. It's a new night, here's another.

I got my tragus pierced on Tuesday. I've wanted to get it done for a long time but never had the money or the guts, but I finally just coughed it up and went for it. It wasn't too painful, but I can definitely still feel it.

It's finally, officially Fall. I love it. I bet it will start snowing literally any day now because that's just the way this place works. So, I'm soaking it up while I can.

Fall TV is back and it's already consuming me. I have so many shows that I can't keep up! Let's see: Grey's Anatomy (finally all caught up and ready to watch the new season as it happens), Dancing with the Stars (Derek and Jennifer for the WIN! And Kyle Massey.. kid is a hoot!), Modern Family (ohh how I've missed the belly laughs), GLEE!!! (need I say more?), 30 Rock (finally, I neeeeed my Tina Fey fix), The Biggest Loser (for my emotional, inspirational, you-can-do-anything side), and The Office (maybe. It's gone way down hill lately).

Aside from Fall TV, basically all my midterms start next week. I'm going to be spending the weekend studying and trying really hard to retain tons of information. Not my strongest skill, but I'm working on it.

Anyways, haven't blogged in about a week because I've been waiting for something good to hit me but it turns out, it hasn't yet. So this is a post for the sake of posting. Had to dust the cobwebs off my page and hope some inspiration hits me soon.

Happy Fall and weekend beginning!

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