Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Wrap-Up & Recap

[The Christmas Anti-Climax has begun.....]

All the build up to the holiday season is slowly coming to an end. I must say, with as much drama and craziness my family holds, I still enjoy every second of spending the holidays with them. We don't all get to spend it with each other every year, so when we do it's really awesome. Things change, people get married or move, so being able to spend Christmas together is really happy.

After Christmas dinner, my Uncle Mark brings out his guitar and we all sit around and sing songs - James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles...anything you can imagine. It's something we have been doing since I was a little kid, so my family of singers always looks forward to it.

And of course, my Grandma had to get a few pictures of all the grand kids because this is the first time in years that all 7 of us were together for Christmas.

[From left to right: Chad, me, Connor, Ashley, Sara - and in front Kyla and Brianna]

I didn't take as many pictures this year, or get to see as many people as I usually do, but it was a great Christmas and I realized over and over again - as I do every time I'm with my family - how appreciative I am to have them in my life. This next year is going to be filled with more changes than I can possibly stand to bear, but I know I will always have them by my side.

I hope you all had a very happy Christmas filled with love and laughter.

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