Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Love


Spring Break starts today!! Last spring break ever. I wonder what it will be like to be forced to power through the entire spring season next year without a week off to regain composure. Ew... that just sounds horrible. Time to enjoy this last SB while it lasts.

1. A song: I heard this song in the car this week and I forgot how frickin amazing it is. Like, seriously. Just listen and reminisce.

2. A Quote: “There comes a time in life when you have to let go of the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and solely focus on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.” (I don't know who said this, but I really enjoy it.)

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-Rebecca Black's song "Friday" is not bad enough or ridiculous enough for people to be talking about it as much as they are.
-St. Patty's day is overrated.
-I blow the majority of my money on food.
-Some people are really gullible when they receive an obvious spam email.
-It's Lent and I forgot to give something up. Oops.

4. A Picture: Brother's coming home tomorrow :)

5. A Takeaway: I realized something this week. Last year at this exact time I felt like I was dying (figuratively, and not dramatically). I was so tired and burnt out from school, I needed spring break more than I've ever needed a break in my life, and when it came time I literally stayed on my couch for 10 days and never saw sunlight. It was actually quite nice if I remember correctly, but not really something to be overly excited about. Anyways, my point is that this year I feel so different. Yeah, I could use a break but I'm not dying or hoping to lay on the couch and sleep and eat all week. I'm actually excited to use my time off to have a little fun - while still getting in way too much sleep, obviously. So my plan for the week is to see and catch up with some friends and my brother, possibly open a REAL book (who am I kidding?), and just enjoy my LAST spring break ever. It's not going to Mexico, but I'm going to make it great.

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