Sunday, March 20, 2011


[My good friend Tanya is leaving me tomorrow for 5 full months to join the Army Reserves. I am so sad to see her go because she is such a light in my life, but I am so proud of her for taking this leap and not backing down, even when some people might disagree. Ahem.]

Just kidding, Tanya. You know I love you and support you fully. I'm just sad to be losing you for such a long time. I mean, who am I going to text when I start a new TV show? Or when I see Kyra and that other girl whose name I can never remember in a random bathroom on campus? You're the only one I know who appreciates those little things. And you're one of the only people I can talk politics with without judgment and with complete agreement. Oh man, I'll miss that part a LOT.

I know you're going to be great and you'll probably really like it and 5 months will fly by faster than you came up with the name "Chelsea Chalupa." But I'll be sending you letters with the song I'm listening to as the title and sadly, no candy no matter how much you may beg. I love you and I'm going to miss you a lot. And I'll write lots of blog posts for you to read when you get back. I'll be expecting a letter real soon updating me on everything (literally, everything).

Sorry this is the only picture I have of us...we'll take a better one when you get back (so hurry because it's pretty bad).

Thanks for sitting next to me one day in Digital Poetry.
You've become one of my best friends.

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