Monday, May 9, 2011

First and Second Days.

Well guys, I did it. I made it through the first couple days of my internship without throwing up, getting yelled at, or embarrassing myself - the three things I fret most (kind of) when throwing myself into a potentially uncomfortable situation.

I always make a bigger deal out of things than is necessary and I was really fine. I'm really good at acting like I'm not nervous so I don't think anyone could tell I was walking on egg shells with myself on the first day. But it turned out to be something I think I'm really going to enjoy all summer. The people were totally welcoming and helpful, not to mention really cool, and I'm already learning a lot about the company and what I'm going to be doing all summer.

On the first day I worked a lot on press briefs for the company which was made out to be the "chore" that no one wants to do, but for me it was really helpful because going through all these articles about the company and fighters online was helping me get to know everything better and what the important things to look out for are. I also worked a little bit on putting together schedules for the fighters which made me feel important (ha!). Overall, it was a low-pressure day and it was great for me to ease into the 9-5 corporate world. PLUS we get to wear jeans to work which is ahhhh-mazing.

[Here's my sweet desk with TWO adjoining computers and my own phone with a personal extension number. Just call me corporate, I suppose.]

Today I had a little bit more going on because my actual boss was there. I was really impressed with him and how cool he is. He seems to be really great at his job and knows exactly what needs to be done and how to get there. He was really making sure that I'm going to have some responsibilities in the days to come and be really helpful during the fights. Overall it sounded like I'm going to be doing some really hands on stuff and I am so excited to get going. I already have a small event to go to tomorrow after work so it'll be my first little taste of what it's like to work in PR.

Anyways, that's my little update on the first couple days. I'm feeling more settled and getting into a routine so I'm feeling more confident every day. I'm pooped from waking up early and being active all day so it's time for me to pass out for the night before I do it all again tomorrow. I think I'm really gonna like it here!


regina said...

It's so great that it's working out so well! Anxiety of starting a new job yet alone moving to a completely new state is hard, but it's great that you're easing yourself in to it all!

Btw, this is Regina if you couldn't already tell from the name attached haha.

Your desk looks so sparse. I know you've only just started which makes sense, but I always have a habit of adding a personal touch to a work place so it's not like I'm another worker ant for the company, and to remind myself I'm not alone. Not to be weird, but I have these really nifty looking postcards that I bought simply because they're pretty. I could send them to you? Little gifts from back home if you will haha. Think about it!

Hannah said...

This is so amazing! Like a dream come true ahhh :) I'm so happy for you!