Saturday, May 7, 2011


I'm in such a weird place right now. Physically and...emotionally I guess? I just got to Vegas a few hours ago and right away it felt like home when my dad greeted me at the airport and immediately said "Let's get Islands for dinner!" which, as a side note...I just ate last night and one other time this week, so it was like getting a taste of home right off the bat which was comforting.

Now, after hanging out with my dad and visiting my sister's cat for a while, I'm laying on my dad's futon bed in his living room, using someone else's internet (because we can't figure out his 9837897 character password) and feeling slightly uneasy. I'm not really sure what to do...

This whole thing happened really, really fast. I finished finals, packed, and now I'm here. Tomorrow will be my one adjustment day, and then I start my internship on Monday (which is a-whole-nother story). It's just kind of surreal how fast everything happened and to be here for an extended period of time. Not being able to go back to my apartment or get any time alone. It's kind of difficult to process all my emotions.

I kind of realized that I have the opportunity to leave everything that's been stressing me out or bothering me behind in Colorado for the summer. I can completely start fresh here and have all kinds of experiences with nothing holding me back and not a lot to worry about. It's kind of freeing when you think of it that way. And that's what I want. I want to leave my other things behind in Colorado for the time being and get a taste of what it'll be like when I graduate and move on for real. I think this could really help me prepare for the big changes ahead.

So for tonight as I lay on this futon, not really knowing what to do with myself, I'm going to work on letting the uneasy feelings settle. I've arrived at my summer destination and it's going to be great. After a few nights I'll start to feel like this is where I'm supposed to be.

1 comment:

Ryan. said...

Take risks.