1. A Song: I always study to Angels & Airwaves so I've been listening to them a LOT this week and I've recently become obsessed with this song (A Little's Enough) off their first album. Such amazing lyrics.
2. A Quote: This one has been floating all over everything this week, but I think it's fitting given the circumstances the United States are in at this moment.
3. 5 things I learned this week:
-I've had some really great and supportive teachers in the last couple of years.
-We have a pretty baller president (not that I didn't already know this, but it was re-confirmed this week).
-My lucky underwear really IS lucky.
-One of my teacher's thinks I'm a good candidate to write an honors thesis at CU - very unexpected and made me feel good.
-It costs $957 to get credit for a summer internship. Pocket change.
4. A picture/memory: This is usually how I spend my summers. I'm going to miss these little ninos so much this year!

5. A takeaway: This is my last Friday post before I leave for the summer! I can't believe the semester is already over, it definitely went by way faster than usual. My takeaway is just that I hope you all (including myself) have an amazing summer break. Take risks, have fun, enjoy yourself, and surround yourself with people who give a damn and make your life worthwhile. I'm looking forward to updating you all on all my exciting internship adventures and experiences! :)
Happy Summer Break!
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