Thursday, November 10, 2011

I am thankful: 10

Today (and everyday) I'm thankful for my brother, Connor.

Since the day he was born (which was ALMOST on my birthday I might add) I have been thankful for my brother. He's been my best friend, my confidant, and my rock for so many years. I just don't know what I would do without him!

I turn to him for so many different last year when I thought Ken Buck was going to win the senate seat in Colorado. I called Connor crying and he sat on the phone with me for hours reassuring me and making me feel better, no matter how ridiculous THAT meltdown was.


We used to fight more than we got along, but even when I hated him I would have done anything for him. We actually STILL fight all the time. Like over the summer when he would come get lunch with me at work we would fight every. single. time. about whether to get In-N-Out or dirty Mex. But the conversation after those battles took place (which I usually lost) were worth every second spent arguing.

Oh, and don't mind this crazy, candid picture. It's just basically our awesome relationship in a nutshell.

There's so many memories I share with Connor that only a brother and sister could appreciate. From shared birthday parties to family vacations.. we've bonded over the times we hated our parents, inside jokes like "TAMACAMO THE BEAR," our impeccable taste in music, and the fact that we're both always right about everything ever. I love my brother more than anything in the world, and these are just a few reasons why I'm thankful for him every single day.

1 comment:

Connor said...

I love you so much.