Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 days to Christmas!!

Ok, I have been SERIOUSLY slacking with my countdown to Christmas. But in my defense, it's been utter chaos in my life between taking finals, graduating, moving to Vegas, and now prepping my house for 13 people to be living under one roof for the holidays. It's all been very fast-paced and exciting this month, but consequently doesn't feel like we're 3 days away from my favorite day of the year!

So to fix this major issue, I decided to turn up some Christmas music and look at some old Christmas cards and photos. Remember this little gem from last year? Well, I came across some equally - if not more - awkward family photos from my childhood. You see, every year we tried our very best to capture one of me, Ashley, and Connor in our fantastic 90's Christmas attire, which was apparently way too much to ask because we have millions of mess-up pictures and hardly any decent card-worthy ones. But, 17ish years later they make for a pretty good laugh.

So today, I give you the Hartling's best Christmas card outtakes, circa 1994.

The one where Connor tries to get away.
The one with the fake smiles.
The one with the shifty-eyed, pissed-off children.
The "not ready" one.
The one with the missing sibling.
And my personal favorite. Caption it however you like.
I wonder which one we sent out that year...

1 comment:

T. VanWatermeulen said...

Oh boy, these pics made my night. Merry Christmas Chelsea!