Monday, December 26, 2011


It was a crazy, chaotic, hilarious Christmas this year with my family
and I wouldn't have it any other way!

My Aunt Glenna, Uncle Mark, Uncle John, Grandma Betty, and cousins Chad, Kyla, and Brianna drove to Vegas to spend Christmas at our new house. All of them, plus my parents, brother, sister, and Connor's friend, John made for a FULL house - but I loved it. We spent a lot of time playing Beatles Rockband, eating food with WAY too much butter and sugar in it, and opening presents (I got Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 2, a new pair of Vans, and a Coldplay T-shirt with my favorite lyrics on it from the best brother in the world!). I don't think you people understand how much I adore my family. Even with all our drama and craziness, there is no one I would rather spend time with.

I also decided that since I am currently unemployed and basically a free agent, I might take a little trip to California and visit them because I just can't get enough. It's only a 4 hour drive and about a half a tank of gas so I think it would be the perfect little trip. 

I hope you all had an equally wonderful holiday
and are looking forward to a brand new year!

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