Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Top 10 Tues: Valentine's Day.

Well, if you've been reading this for the past few years then it should come as no shock to you that I kind of dread this day every year. I'm THAT person that hates Valentine's day and has never really had an absolutely stellar one and just kind of wishes it would just disappear and get out of my face. And then I quietly breathe a sigh of relief when it's over and can go the next 364 days of my life without thinking about it. However, I usually end up acknowledging it's presence every year anyways, so today I give you my top 10 thoughts on Valentine's day.

Me, Jenni, Megan - Missing Ally!
10. Val-O-Grams were my favorite part of Valentine's day in high school.
I still get excited thinking about this. Me, Megan Boucher, Jenni Clark, and Ally Ducey were a quartet in choir and we sang these freakin' AWESOME renditions of "Can't Help Lovin' That Man" from Showboat and "Happy Together" by The Turtles. And people paid money to have us go around and sing to their friends and lovers on Valentine's day. We weren't the only group who did this, but we were by far the best - no joke.

9. It used to be fun.
When we were little kids Valentine's day was one big fat art project. At school we used to make little mail boxes with bright pink and red paper and glitter and shit, and then we would usually hand make Valentine's day cards to put in every single person's mail box. No one ever felt left out. And there was usually candy involved.  It used to be a great day.

8. My dad is my forever Valentine.
Everyday when I was a kid my dad used to pack my lunch for school. And every year on Valentine's day he would sneak a little box of candy hearts into my lunch box. And I would save the one that said "marry me" on it for him. Ok, that sounds extremely creepy and gross now that I think about it. I swear it wasn't. Eeeeugh. But it was this funny little tradition we had and I always felt the love from my pops. We don't do this any more. And I don't even like candy hearts. But still.

7. My favorite Valentine's day theme song.

6. The worst Valentine's day I ever had was last year. 
This short little story may give you some insight to my life-long experience with V-Day. I woke up with pink eye on Valentine's day, 2011. I spent the day trying to ignore it until I started to go blind out of my right eye. So I frantically started calling people to take me to the ER and turns out none of my "friends" would help me out. Finally my amazing friend Emily (or as I like to call her, my savior) came to my rescue and drove me to Urgent Care where I spent hours getting painfully poked and prodded by the most socially awkward doctor I've ever experienced while my eye looked like it was going to explode any second all over someone's face. {insert hyperbolic Chelsea} Pretty sure I cried myself to sleep that night. It was miserable and I've never felt worse about myself. {end hyperbolic Chelsea}

5. Hannah McMacken.
Hannah is the best Valentine I've ever had. Hands down. She kicks everyone else's ass at V-Day.

4. Valentine's day is like New Years Eve.
No matter how high your hopes are or how low your expectations are, you are always, always let down. Without fail. It's exactly like new years eve - you have an idea of what it should look like in your head but no matter what it never turns out that way.

3. You should show people more than once a year.
Sure, it's nice to set aside one day of the year to recognize you love someone, but you really should be doing that all the time, not just once a year, don't you think? And if this were the case, then Valentine's day wouldn't be as big of a deal as people make it out to be. Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather shower my friends, family, and loved ones all year round and show them that I care about them on a regular basis than save it up for once a year.

2. Because it IS Valentine's day....
[...and you know all the single ladies are thinking it anyways....]

1. My actual thoughts on Valentine's day:
Friend's make the best Valentine's. This year, these are mine.

Happy Valentine's day.
Whether you hate it or love it, I hope you have a great,
pink eye-free day.

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