Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vegas Weekending (pt. 2)

Or "jet setting" as we referred to it all weekend while we strutted around town from Venice to Egypt to Paris to Rome. Cory was in town with all of her closest friends to celebrate the fabulousness of turning 23. We stayed at the Venetian for the weekend where we got to bond, relax, lay by the pool, eat, club, and sleep (for minimal hours each night). All together it was a pretty fantastic weekend and I was incredibly sad when it ended and I had to go back to my life on the other side of Las Vegas. Although I must say, living here gives me the unique opportunity to have these little "staycations" when friends come to town - and I kinda love it! But I miss Cory already. LA trip soon?

Dinner at Hussong's
Flowers for the bday girl

The whole group - minus Bayan!

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