Sunday, August 12, 2012

"You need to write more."

These are words I've been saying to myself every day for the past couple months. The truth is, while it may seem like I've let my precious blog go dark lately, I actually have been writing. I've just been experimenting with different platforms like 750 words and tumblr. But nothing compares to the homey feeling of writing in my blog. I've been neglecting it and it almost feels like a friendship I've let slip away.

We need a catch up sesh. Wanna do happy hour? Oh, I can't tonight. How about tomorrow? Tomorrow's no good either. How about next Friday? We'll play it by ear. Sound familiar? That's me with my blog every single day. I have a head full of thoughts and a world full of updates but I can't seem to make myself take the plunge and write it all down to share with the world.

I'd do it right now but...pretty much the only reason I'm posting is because I'm procrastinating finishing up packing and going to sleep. Tomorrow I leave for Yosemite with my extended family - I'm so excited and ready to get away and go off the grid for a few days. My life has been a whirlwind of knowledge accumulation, heartache, and opportunities all since my last post on my 23rd birthday. Things are moving fast and it's time I slow down and enjoy the ride before it passes me by.

So here is my goal: To clear my head and feel better in my mind, body, and soul during my time in Yosemite. I want to come back feeling refreshed, inspired, and with a new zest for life.

And here is my promise: When I return I will quit neglecting my blog and use my new found inspiration for good. I swear.

Cheers to nature, fresh air, and family. Everything you need to get through it all.

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