Thursday, September 20, 2012

Short and sweet.

I made a promise to myself that I would write more once I got back from Yosemite. And it looks as though I haven't kept that promise - but I actually have, I just haven't published anything I've written. I just realized I have 5 or 6 unpublished posts just waiting for me to hit send. Unfortunately, I don't think I will. There's some things I think I'll just keep to myself.

For the sake of a quick update, my life has been a complete roller coaster the past few weeks. I've had some intense highs and some crippling lows. It's been a whirlwind for sure between my brother being in the hospital for 2 days and then leaving to go back to school in Seattle, discovering I have nerve damage in my neck from my car accident in June (AND that the insurance companies stupidly double-paid my hospital bills and left me with a $350 chiropractor bill), and closing in on 11 days until the launch of Renegades Write the Rules & dRU. I've had hardly any time to myself, but the good news is, I'm surrounded by some wonderful people and I'm learning a lot every day. I couldn't really ask for a better environment in my life at this time and I'm grateful for that.

I was reminded a couple days ago that the universe is on my side. When times get hard I tend to look to the universe for answers and I've been asking the same question for almost 10 months now. But I think I finally got my answer, and the answer is that I need to pause and learn to trust the process. Everything happens in its own time and good things happen to those who wait. Cryptic? Maybe. But it's good stuff.

Tomorrow is Friday and this weekend I plan on taking some much needed Chelsea time. My goal is to read "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" - the entire thing, catch up on my sleep, and mentally reset. Good things are on the horizon. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. nothing brings HOPE like Fall.

And with that I say, goodnight.

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