Friday, November 16, 2012

25 years.

Today I'm recognizing how thankful I am for my parents,
who just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this week.
Happy silver.

Please note the hair.
25 years.

I can't even imagine where I'll be ONE year from now, let alone 25 years. But how lucky am I to have been raised by two people who have stayed committed to each other for so long? I hope that one day I'll be lucky enough to follow in their footsteps.

And not only am I thankful for having their marriage as a role model for strength, endurance, and commitment, I'm lucky to have been raised by some pretty kick-ass people as well. I look up to my parents so much and I probably still lean on them more than I should. But I'm thankful that they've supported me through every stage of my life, every single up and down, all the uncertainties, the exciting times, the not-so-good times, my best and worst moments. They've always had my back and I couldn't ask for much more than that.

Cheers to you guys.

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