Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today I want to recognize how thankful I am for my youth. I REALLY love being 23 years old. 

When I was a kid I was so eager to grow up as fast as possible. I always wanted to hang with the big kids. I never liked sitting at the kids table at Christmas. Yet I always ended up being the youngest person in the room (and still usually am). But over time I've come to embrace that fact and love it because I know I'll never be this young again.

I'm thankful that I still get to enjoy going out on Friday nights and being hungover all day on Saturday and sometimes into Sunday.

I'm thankful that I sometimes get random urges to take the zip line down Fremont Street at 2am. And that I have the energy to be spontaneous.

I'm thankful that I'm at a point in my life where I can enjoy learning and growing and I don't have to know everything just yet. I'm thankful that I have the freedom to be my own person and have my own experiences and that it's ok to be selfish about it sometimes.

I'm thankful that it's understood that I'm young and therefore am expected to make mistakes and learn from them. I'm thankful that I'm young enough to still be finding out who I am and where my life is going and that I don't have to have it all figured out by now. I don't WANT to have it all figured out by now.

And I'm thankful that I still get the most intense amount of joy from going to Disneyland - the one place on earth that knows how to bring out the kid in me and remind me that growing up is overrated.

My recent favorite quote by Steve Jobs: 
Stay hungry, stay foolish.

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