Monday, November 5, 2012

The Democratic Process.

On this day in November, the night before my second presidential election, I'm thankful for the democratic process. 

I don't think I acknowledge enough how lucky I am to live in a country where I have rights and choices and a chance to use my voice. I take it for granted, for sure. But with the presidential election looming over my head, I'm definitely acknowledging that right now. I'm thankful for the chance to speak my mind and stand up for what I believe in. You might disagree with me, you might even say horrible things about me and my party as a whole - outspokenly, behind our backs, or passive aggressively, but that's your right as well. I will never stop standing up for myself and my family and my friends and every single American in this wonderful nation. I believe in us. I believe how great this country can be. I believe in pushing forward and progressing as a nation until we reach our full potential where everyone is treated equally and has choices and is given the same opportunity to love and succeed.

So today (and tomorrow as well), I'm thankful for the opportunity to voice my opinion. Whether I win or lose, I will never stop fighting for myself, and for you, and for all of us.

Voter apathy is not an excuse. Use the voice you've been given. Stand up. Participate. Love your country. Respect yourself and the people around you. I voted. Did you?

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