Sunday, November 4, 2012

To saying YES.

It feels like it's been a long time since I wrote anything substantial. Looking back on pretty much this entire year I've struggled with what to say for almost every single situation I've been thrown into. It hasn't been easy feeling like my one means of outlet has had a wall up around it. I guess it's probably out of fear for who might actually read the intense things that would inevitably come out of my mind if I really let myself go there. Sometimes I'm not sure I want to even share them with the world - or  the 3ish people I'm certain read my blog.

But all that is beside the point. I really have been trying to pick it up lately. In fact, this morning I was newly inspired (again) by my best friend who wrote a blog post about making a pact with herself on a new degree of discipline with her writing.

It struck me because I've always had that. When I was in college I used to work writing into my schedule 3, 4 times a week. Somehow this year I've completely set writing on the back burner. I recently took a trip to California again - perfect material, yet somehow I have yet to post about it. I've even let my annual, blogging TRADITION fall by the wayside - my yearly "I am thankful" segment. Believe me, I was all about to pick up the pace and start promptly on November 1st, but I failed at that too out of laziness. And then I read Cor's blog and in the second line saw the phrase "Yes-vember." Boom. There is was.

Chelsea - quit saying no. Quit shelving the things you want to do for yourself. Write, and if someone doesn't want to read it then that's their problem. This is your life. Let it out. Be intense. Be boring. Be yourself. It's not too late to pick up the 2012 pace and get yourself back on track. Start with your blog and work your way from there. It's helped in the past and it will work again.

YES-vember is the perfect time because there's already a built in theme. What are you thankful for? Every day. Be thankful every single day. Start 4 days late - who cares! Start saying YES to yourself.

Today I'm thankful for the fact that I'm sensitive enough to language and thought that one simple word has the power to inspire me.

To saying YES this month and tackling my favorite time of year head on.

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