Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I don't like people who get all snarky about how New Year's Resolutions are bullshit. I personally love the idea of starting anew. Yes, it's true that each and every day is an opportunity to start over or change the way you operate, but beginning a new year is different. A year signifies the turning of time in our life and it's good to take that chunk of time and box it up, look back on the changes you've made, and look forward to how you want the next big measurable chunk of time to look. And I'm actually really good at sticking to my resolutions each year because I've realized that it's much more do-able when you're realistic with yourself. I'm not going to set resolutions for going to the gym twice a day because I know myself well enough to know I know there's no way in hell I'll be doing that. Instead, I set goals that I KNOW I can/will do if I actually make the decision to do them.

So without further ado, here's my list of resolutions for 2013, based on what I learned about myself in 2012:
  • Stop being so awkward all the time and instead, work on being more assertive and taking more initiative
  • Keep in touch better with Lindsey at least 2x a month (and spend next NYE with her!)
  • Go visit Sara and Drew in New York
  • Discover a new level of respect for myself by learning to say "no"
  • Learn to recognize negativity in my life early on and get rid of it
Last year's resolutions were all about moving on. I told myself I was going to find a job I like, start dating again and take chances, say yes more often, and really immerse myself this new chapter of my life. Guess what? I did ALL of those.

This year, my resolutions are more about doing what's RIGHT for me, not what I THINK I should be doing. If saying yes feels wrong sometimes, then I need to learn how to say no. If something or someone is adding negativity into my life, I need it removed. It's really that simple. Taking my lessons from 2012 with me and using them to make 2013 an even better year.

Cheers to you and yours. I hope your best year is right ahead.

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