Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Lots of things have been happening in my life. And I don't mean the typical roller coaster of ups and downs that I typically experience in any given month. But I realize I haven't documented any of this and I'm not quite sure why, to be honest. Maybe I've been busy or just haven't thought about it? There's no real reason, it just is what it is. But I'm here now and I have the urge to let the old fingers flow so let's talk about the last couple months, shall we?

First of all, January was kind of the same bust it usually is. Blah, blah, blah, I hate winter, yadda yadda yadda, I had to drop $1,000 on my car, shmee shmee shmee. It actually was much better than previous January's have been, though. If you've been around long enough, you've probably heard me at LEAST once refer to the epic (and inevitable) "January 2nd Meltdown" I face each year. You know, the one where I've just come off another New Years Eve spent on the couch with my mom watching Grey's Anatomy DVD's and then reevaluate every single one of my past life decisions that have led me to this point. It's really unnecessary, but again happens every year. January 2nd. Without fail.

This year, I braced myself for it, knowing full well it was coming. But it didn't come. New Year's eve was the most fun I've probably ever spent ringing in a new year and January 2nd came and left without a single tear or a single "WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE" thought. And I didn't even notice (in a good way). It actually felt great when I realized mid-January that I skipped over that annual event, and I think I know why it didn't happen: I'm happy. For once, the bleak mid-winter has not brought me down into a cold, freezing hole of dramatic reflection, and thank the lord. For once I got to enjoy January without the fear of spending the first half of the year bored and cold and sad. Vegas, you've already won me over for 2013.

And it helped that I had a LOT to look forward to in January. For starters, I was getting ready to finally move out of my parents house. Look people, this was a really big deal for me. I realize that pretty much everyone (except the really, really lucky few) have to move back in with their parents after college. I was fine with it. I like my parents and I'm kind of a homebody, so I was fine. But after a while I got a little self-conscious telling people I still lived with mommy and daddy. Not that anyone ever made me feel that way or called me out on it, but I was just so ready to start being independent and take the next big step forward in my life, and that all started with moving out.

So come February 1st, that's exactly what I did. I moved to Downtown Las Vegas with a friend and co-worker, Leah. We live about a 10 minute walk from work, right in the heart of Downtown. We get to be where the action is and no longer have to drive the dreaded 15 minute commute back to Summerlin on Friday nights when all we want to do is have a drink after a long week at work. Score.

We owe a huge thanks to both of our parents and our co-workers (and new Downtown neighbors) Julie & TJ for helping us get moved in. With their help, the process was expedited and we were in our new place in no time. And now, here we are, enjoying every second of our chic new living space (that actually turned out to be more spacious than we were anticipating). It's been a perfect fit so far and both Leah and I are thrilled to be settled into our Downtown digs.

Shortly after moving we took a little (working) trip to LA (again, if you know me at all you know I love me some la la land - 8 trips last year, what what??) to see Ellie Goulding perform at the Palladium. I got to spend some time with Cory and see one of my favorite artists live which was pretty amazing. Working from LA was a little bit more stressful than I anticipated though - sadly, my true colors were exposed while stuck in a horrendous wifi situation and everyone around me saw the rage that ensues when I don't have working internet. Oops. Trying to just own it as a Chelsea-flaw, but shit, I need to work on my anger sometimes (another story for another blog post).

Anyways, I'm happily back in Vegas now, skipped over Valentine's Day again, and have a terrible cold at the moment, but life is good. I'm happy and taking care of business. This year is already bringing about so many awesome opportunities in all different areas of my life and I couldn't be more excited to just live in the moment and enjoy things as they happen. Life's good.

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