Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Every year I read tweets and Facebook posts from people complaining about other people making New Year's Resolutions. "No one ever sticks to them, so what's the point?" they say. "Why is the end of the year special, shouldn't every day be a chance to start over?" they say. And it always kind of offends me because I really do view each new year as a fresh start. Why do people get so annoyed when someone has the best intentions to make positive changes in their life? 

Let me tell you why I like New Year's Resolutions: I measure my life in years. I look back on the last 24 years of my life and can pull out the big defining moments in years. The big moments we experience become small blips in our lives, and the years that pass become the solidified string of memories we have left when we're old and grey. So why wouldn't we take the end of the year to reflect on the past chunk of moments and consider how we want the next string of memories to look? 

Also, I'm pretty good at keeping the resolutions I set for myself because I have an overall direction in mind for my life, and as I look back and watch myself change over the years, I like to pinpoint what it will take over the next year in order to ultimately get myself there. Just think about it in those terms for a minute.

I had 2 sets of 2013 resolutions. Let's see how I did:

  • Stop being so awkward all the time and instead, work on being more assertive and taking more initiative. I think I'll always be slightly awkward, but I've definitely been more assertive and taken more initiative, which helped me get a promotion at work and travel to Ireland in 2013.
  • Keep in touch better with Lindsey at least 2x a month (and spend next NYE with her!) We totally did. Both.
  • Go visit Sara and Drew in New York. I totally did.
  • Discover a new level of respect for myself by learning to say "no." Yep. Sometimes I just want to sit in my apartment, and guess what? I allow myself to do it.
  • Learn to recognize negativity in my life early on and get rid of it. Done and done. Over and over. Continuing on into 2014.
And the second set was actually an exercise my boss had us do on NYE last year. The first box is what you want to leave behind from that year. The second box is what you want to take with you into the new year, and the last box is what you want to create for yourself in the coming year. At the end of the night you rip up the card and use it as confetti to welcome the new year.

What I wanted to leave behind from 2012 was the giant cloud of negativity that had been following me around surrounding my back injury, my car accident, my ex-boyfriend, and the multitude of hardships that challenged me (which I put all behind me and never looked back). What I wanted to take with me was the strength I had summoned by going through all of those experiences (which I definitely did). And what I wanted to create? An independent life for myself (which I did when I moved out of my parents house and started my real adult life).

So you see? Resolutions can work, if YOU work to make them happen. My resolutions this year are getting a little intense, so I had to make a massive spreadsheet (yeah, I'm getting nerdy about this, and yeah, it's actually 2 spreadsheets). But, it's gonna help keep me accountable for the coming year. Everything from weight loss and fitness goals, to shows I want to see, to travel adventures, to dating. I've got it all laid out.
  • Fitness: Gym 5 times a week - my sister is getting married in October and as her Maid of Honor, I refuse to look anything less than hot in those pictures, even if it kills me (which it might)
  • Travel: One international trip, Seattle, NYC, LA, San Jose, Reno, and any other opportunities that might come my way
  • Concerts: 10 shows in 2014 (so far I have 2 big ones lined up: HAIM & Empire of the Sun)
  • Personal: Start dating again. I'm ready for it. I'm getting back out there. And you? Yeah, your time is up. It's my turn now.
2013 wasn't the best year I've ever had, but it was FAR from the worst. It was solid. I grew, I changed, I expanded my horizons, and I challenged myself. I know 2014 is going to be just as challenging, but equally as rewarding if I keep heading in the right direction. There's so much to look forward to, and I'm ready to tackle it head on. 

I read a quote today that said, "It's not 'can you?' It's, 'WILL you?'" And I will. Let's do it.

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