Friday, April 22, 2011

Exciting News!

I have some VERY exciting news to share with you all!

Yesterday in my Friday post I had a takeaway about giving yourself more credit and knowing that you're better than you give yourself credit for. It was sparked by this experience I recently had that I touched on without really giving too much away, but now I'm ready to reveal it.

I had an interview on Tuesday with UFC (the Ultimate Fighting Championship) for a summer internship in their New Media department. I had also applied for an internship with them in Public Relations, but figured I had a better shot with New Media because of how competitive PR usually is. Anyways, it was my first interview ever and I was really nervous (although I'm very good at acting like I'm not) so for days I've been replaying in my head all the things I forgot to mention, all the things I'd say if I could re-do it, and each day that went by my confidence in myself started to slowly diminish.

Well, today I got a call saying that I didn't get the internship in New Media. But I DID get the internship in PUBLIC RELATIONS!! I was so excited I could barely stand so I sat down on my kitchen floor for the rest of the phone call just beaming from ear to ear. I didn't really think I had any sort of chance for that position, especially because I hadn't even interviewed for it. But I guess sometimes good things happen and I could not be more excited to start working there and gaining some real-life corporate experience. I know it's going to be a great summer - and it's in VEGAS so how could it not be?!

I didn't tell many people before hand because I didn't want to jinx myself, but I still want to say thank you to everyone who has encouraged me or sent positive vibes my way or done a happy jumpy huggy dance of excitement with me. I am floating on cloud 9 right now and I can't wait to share all of my experiences this summer with you. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm going to work hard and make the absolute most of it!


Hannah said...

Oh my GOODNESS!!! I am so happy for you, this is incredible!! You are so amazing! Congratulations :)))!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, girl!! I am sooo excited about it! :))