Monday, December 31, 2012


Since I already did my big year-end post on the one-year anniversary of graduating college, I thought I'd switch up my annual year in review blog by doing a recap of my top 10 best moments of 2012. Although this year was very challenging, emotional, and full of changes, I did have QUITE a big year with lots of pretty incredible moments as well. Here's to bidding this year a big PEACE OUT and welcoming what's sure to be an awesome 2013.

10. Turning 23.
I wasn't expecting my 23rd birthday to be anything special. It's not a big milestone in life, so I didn't have high expectations. Plus it was right smack dab in the middle of an unfortunate first half of the year, so I really could have skipped it all together. But it turned out to be WONDERFUL. Spent at Lake Mead with my god-sisters floating on the lake and drinking beers, followed by fondue at the Melting Pot with my family. Oh, and did I mention it was also the day I got offered a job at Digital Royalty? Talk about exceeding my wildest expectations. A non-milestone turned monumental day in my year.

9. Golden Gate Bridge
Growing up in Southern California is always something I've been proud of. I love SoCal and I hope to move back there again at some point in my life. But somehow I lived there for 12 years and never managed to make it all the way up to Northern California - until this year when my sister moved to San Jose. I got the opportunity to help her out by driving her car from Vegas to LA and then all the way up the coast of California. It was amazing getting to watch the sunrise over the ocean as I made my way up north. And then after getting to San Jose, we drove even further to see one of California's monuments and something I've never seen in person - The Golden Gate Bridge. It was only for a short time, but something I'll definitely never forget. The entire experience.

8. Obama Re-blog.
On Halloween I dressed up as Rosie the Riveter. It was actually the first time I "spoke out" about my political views during this election cycle because I was trying not to get too emotionally invested Ala 2008. But I decided to rock a "Women For Obama" pin with my costume and voila - the Obama campaign saw my picture on Tumblr and re-blogged it for the world to see. It got over 2700 notes in 3 hours and I had friends and family calling me from all over the country screaming with excitement that they saw it. I was super proud and excited that my tiny little political statement was actually making a bigger impact than I intended. Definitely one of the most exciting days of the year. Oh yeah, and then Obama got re-elected soooo I'm pretty sure that pin was good luck.

7. Goffstein Wedding
Love was in the air this summer as my God-sister, Courtney married the love of her life, Shane. It was a beautiful wedding and a huge milestone for Court. I'm so glad I got to be there for it, and she made a GORGEOUS bride.

6. Paso Robles
Before Courtney & Shane tied the knot, we took a girls weekend trip to Paso Robles for wine tasting. Sounds mellow, right? Wrong. There was tons of wine, cheese, wigs, an all-day limo, naked hot-tubing, bright purple teeth, and possibly even some passing out at the Vineyards. Hey, us single ladies had to help Courtney celebrate her departure from the singles club and her entrance into married life SOMEHOW. I think we managed pretty darn well - and luckily Paso Robles is still standing.

5. Josiah Leming
Meeting Josiah Leming was on my bucket list. I've loved his music so much for so long so when he came to Vegas this summer, Connor and I made it our business to be there. Turns out, it was a super intimate show with less than 20 people in the audience (lucky for us!). We found him after his set and got to talk to him for a while which was a complete dream come true for both of us. He is SUCH a cool guy and it made me love him even more.

4. Disneyland
My happy place. I don't remember when I started this tradition with Cory, but whenever it was long ago, it's become a defining characteristic of US. We are Disney. Does that make sense? Anyways, After a several-year-long dry spell, I got to go TWICE in 2012. The first time was pretty much like a therapy session that helped me through a broken heart and put some much needed perspective back in my life. I came away from that trip feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the year. The second trip? Purely about being with Cory, having fun, and experiencing Disneyland (for my first time ever) around Halloween. Complete and total awesomeness.

3. Digital Royalty
Getting hired at Digital Royalty was definitely one of the TOP highlights of my year. I am SO incredibly lucky to have landed this gig in July with the absolute best team of Renegades imaginable. I get to do what I love every single day surrounded by super supportive people who make me happy to be at work on Monday mornings (and every other morning as well). Like I've said before, I'm so glad the universe placed me here, it's definitely where I'm meant to be at this point in my life.

2. Yosemite
My family trip to Yosemite in August was one for the books. I love my family so, SO much and get-togethers with the entire extended clan are few and far between these days, so it was just wonderful to have everyone there at one of our favorite places on earth, spending some much needed time in the fresh air. I also got to cross "hike the panorama trail as an adult" off my bucket list. Biggest physical challenge of the year for sure, but so worth it. 8.5 miles of treacherous hiking really taught me a lot about what I'm capable of in my life, and also helped me clear my head about some personal things going on in my world at that time. It was a trip I will not be forgetting anytime soon and I wish we could do a vacation like that every year.

1. Coldplay
Duh, this was obviously my number one incredible moment of 2012. I haven't stopped talking about it since! Last Christmas my brother and I bought tickets to see Coldplay in Seattle and I anxiously counted down the days until I flew up there and we got to see our favorite band EVER live. And the concert was the most incredible production I've ever seen. Not even exaggerating, it was life-changing. I still can't put it into words. I wish I could re-live that night every day forever.

[Notable mention: Signing a lease at the Juhl with Leah (we move in February 1st!), Cory's 23rd birthday extravaganza in Vegas, and Muhammad Ali's birthday party.]

Cheers to at LEAST 10 incredible moments in 2013 for all of us. Looking so forward to sending this year off and seeing what this next year brings my way. 

2012? Over it.

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