Friday, February 27, 2009

economic woes.

i just heard that they are getting rid of music and arts programs in schools in california because the economy is so horrible that they have to cut funds in public schooling. it makes sense, i mean, why would they take out the subjects that kids hate like math, when they can cut music?

it may not seem like that big of a deal to some people, but to me it is terrifying. i have been singing since i was 5 years old. music runs in my family. both of my grandparents were in barbershop quartets, my cousin is on broadway, my uncle plays the guitar, and i sang professionally from age 5-11 when i lived in california (its a long story). The point is, if i didnt have music in my life, i dont know how i could have made it through school. honestly, i am NOT a school person whatsoever, and if it wasnt for choir, i probably wouldnt have gone half the time.

i strongly believe that music is the basis for all creativity in the mind. people can say they "love" music all day long, but what they dont realize is that it is a form of expression, an art, and a creative stimulous. I like to write, and i believe that comes from my love of music. call me crazy but when i get inspired, i get inspired. and how is music not inspirational?

it just sucks that it has come to this. its sad because some kids who are just starting school will never get the same opportunities that i had to figure out what their passion is because they dont get to be exposed to it like i was. and its all because we are in a fucking war that uses up all our countries money for no reason, so they have to cut programs like music in schools because they cant afford to pay teachers, one of the lowest paid professions out there. its bullshit.

im sad for where this country is at economically, because everyone deserves to find their inner creativity whether its singing, playing an instrument, or artwork.

so sad. :(

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