Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Positively Positive

Im trying out this whole new "being positive" thing. I have been known to be quite the negative nancy at times, only seeing the bad in everything, having no hope and giving up all chance of hope, seeing the glass half empty, whatever you want to say. Anyways, I decided for this new year I would try to be more positive, and try to see the good in life rather than the bad.

So far 2009 has not been good.

BUT I am sticking to my resolution. I have already suffered alot of heartache and depression this year, but I am doing my best to stay positive and try to not let the little things get me down. I started going to Zumba classes to get my mind off things, and to be honest, it is the most fun I have ever had working out. It is not only a stress reliever, but its pure fun. I watch myself in the mirror smiling the whole time and laughing at how uncoordinated I am. Its really good for me.

I have stopped to realize that petty arguments with friends or aquaintences arent really worth it in the end. I would much rather let things go then hold on to them forever. Its all about forgveness, picking your battles, and letting things go. Im still learning, but so far its working.

I have more hope now then I have ever had in the past. I still cant get myself to write about my grandpa's death just yet, but its coming. And I have faith in myself in that area. I have hope that things are all going to be ok for me and my family and everything is going to work out nicely the way its supposed to.

I dont really know why I am writing about this, but it seems like a good idea. Its all a part of the new Chelsea that I want to be. The Chelsea that takes herself on dates, spends time with herself in the afternoon (and likes it), and doesnt take everything so personally. I hope it works out :)

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