Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am thankful: 8

Today I'm thankful for distractions. 

Today I bought my cap & gown for graduation which ultimately led to a mini-melt-down which was sparked by my inability to play a I, IV, and V7 chord in the key of B on the piano. Saying that out loud sounds like the most ridiculous thing in the world. I suppose it was just a long time coming and the piano thing just put me over the edge. I was so frustrated and dramatically sitting there in utter despair thinking "what is my life?!?!" when I threw my piano book on the floor, almost threw my keyboard into the wall (almost) and walked 2 steps into my living room to find that it was exactly 8:00 and time for the Dancing With The Stars results show. Coincidence? Or gift from above? I'm going with gift, because in that moment of feeling so completely frustrated beyond belief with so many built up things, I became distracted. The combination of ice cream, mindless TV, and the list of blogs I read really made me feel much better about life, and it's exactly what I needed in that moment. And while I was drowning in my metaphorical pit of despair, I actually thought to myself "God damn it, what is there to be thankful for right now?" I had to dig pretty deep in that moment to remind myself that there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for. Even if it's so little and insignificant that only YOU would understand. There's always, always, always something to be thankful for, no matter what.

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