Friday, April 30, 2010

Post for the Sake of Posting

I have been neglecting my Blog for a couple weeks!
A mixture of nothing to say plus extreme busy-ness has had me.
But now, I have procrastinating to do so I ended up here:

Finals begin tomorrow!
And then I will officially be able to say I have completed
a full year as a Buff.
Remember where I was at this point last year, dear followers?
Stressed out of my mind about transferring,
finals, packing, and moving home.
Here is a post from exactly 1 year ago today:
I remember those exact feelings.
So relieved to finally know what my plans were
(after months of waiting and going back and forth in my mind)
so I could move past the anxiety,
but so unbelievably sad to have to leave my girls at KU.
Although it was the best thing for my family and I for me to transfer,
I still miss Alyssa, Krista, and Brittany every single day.

While I'm still stressed, I have a handle on things.
I hope.
2 finals tomorrow,
One on Monday,
One on Wednesday,
Then home for 4 days,
Then a 3 week class in May!

Our house went up for sale this week
(incredibly sad)
Connor is about to Graduate,
and Summer is ready to begin
(As soon as it stops snowing here, wtf Colorado?!)

Anyways, Happy Finals everyone.
Another semester down and just 3 left to go for me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I am Chelsea Hartling.
I smile, I laugh, I cry, I sleep, I write, I love.
I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a writer,
a singer, a woman, a student,
and a dreamer.
I am smart and funny and athletic and passionate and
I genuinely care about people.
I believe in peace, love, and equality for everyone.
I have loved.
I have lost.
I miss both of my Grandpa's, my Aunt Marie,
and Brianna Swain.
My brother is my hero, my sister is my role model.
I have fears and insecurities but I'm learning to overcome.

If you don't know or understand those things,
then you clearly don't know me.
Take it or leave it, that is who I am.

I have learned more about the kind of people my friends really are in the last few days
than in YEARS of knowing them.
I have realized who my real ones are,
who will be there unconditionally,
who trusts me, and who doesn't.
I want people in my life who trust me,
who know me,
who treat me like a best friend,
who don't say one thing to me, and another to everyone else.
I want people who want me,
and that want to be around me.
And I am not going to settle for anything less.
I don't have time to waste in this life.
I know I have a lot to give
and I'm going to give it to people who appreciate ME.

And that's it.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Isn't it ironic that we ignore the ones who adore us, adore the ones that ignore us, love the ones who hurt us, and hurt the ones that love us?

I am so fickle it's ridiculous.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sex and the City 2!

The trailer is here!!
I'm officially counting down the days till May 27th.
(48 to be exact.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mama!

Happy Birthday to my Mom!

For the last 20 years my mom has been my #1 go to person.
She has supported me through some of the hardest decisions of my life,
seen me through my best and my worst,
and loved me through it all.

She is one of the strongest people I know
and I admire that so very much.
I am so glad the years have brought us closer.

I love you, Ma!
Thank you for everything you do for us.
Happy 30th Birthday! ;)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Birthday, Bestie!

Happy 21st Birthday to my best friend, Jill!
I can't believe how fast time flies,
didn't we like, just turn 12?!
This girl is amazing.
She has stood by me through so many good and bad times,
(too many to count!)
she is kind and comforting and silly
and everything I could ask for in a friend.
No matter what I can always turn to her
and she'll listen, be honest, and never judge me.

My JB, my bestie, my walking partner at graduation,
my park princess and my dippy.

I'll never forget in the 7th grade when I was upset about moving to Colorado
and all I wanted to do was go home to California,
Jill said to me:
"I used to feel that way all the time after I moved here,
but then I met you and now everything is better!"

That's when I knew I had a best friend for life.

Thank you for being you.

I can't wait to celebrate next weekend and create a million more memories!