Thursday, September 30, 2010

A quick note for a good friend

I just discovered that my beautiful friend, Hannah has a blog! This makes me so happy! Right now she is teaching at a school in Guatemala and I am so excited to read all of her updates and keep up with her wonderful adventure.

She inspires me to be a better person and to be more positive, even during the rough times, so I know her blog will bring that to me everyday.

I love you, Hannah! So happy to be blogging-buddies now!

Check out her blog HERE!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crazy Life, Lately

I've been slacking on the updates lately! Mostly because of how insanely busy I have been in the last couple of weeks. Just started midterms on Monday, have 2 more next week, one *hard* one the following week, my friend Erin's birthday in between that, AND I just got hit with another job from my "boss" that she needs done in 2 weeks.

In short, I might not be able to blog as frequently as I'd like until my life gets a little less crazy.

On another note (and adding to my craziness), I'm about to start another blog about Feminism. But I'm thinking this one will be anonymous. If I post a link to it on here it will be a one time only thing, otherwise I'll only tell family and close friends that it's me. The reason for this is because I have a lot to say on the subject, but lots of people I know are involved in what I'll be talking about and I wouldn't want to offend anyone.

Anyway, that's about all I have to say/all I have time for today. Happy crazy Wednesday!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feelings of the Night.

Hmm... I just did one of these didn't I? Oh well. It's a new night, here's another.

I got my tragus pierced on Tuesday. I've wanted to get it done for a long time but never had the money or the guts, but I finally just coughed it up and went for it. It wasn't too painful, but I can definitely still feel it.

It's finally, officially Fall. I love it. I bet it will start snowing literally any day now because that's just the way this place works. So, I'm soaking it up while I can.

Fall TV is back and it's already consuming me. I have so many shows that I can't keep up! Let's see: Grey's Anatomy (finally all caught up and ready to watch the new season as it happens), Dancing with the Stars (Derek and Jennifer for the WIN! And Kyle Massey.. kid is a hoot!), Modern Family (ohh how I've missed the belly laughs), GLEE!!! (need I say more?), 30 Rock (finally, I neeeeed my Tina Fey fix), The Biggest Loser (for my emotional, inspirational, you-can-do-anything side), and The Office (maybe. It's gone way down hill lately).

Aside from Fall TV, basically all my midterms start next week. I'm going to be spending the weekend studying and trying really hard to retain tons of information. Not my strongest skill, but I'm working on it.

Anyways, haven't blogged in about a week because I've been waiting for something good to hit me but it turns out, it hasn't yet. So this is a post for the sake of posting. Had to dust the cobwebs off my page and hope some inspiration hits me soon.

Happy Fall and weekend beginning!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Goodbye and A Hello

A Goodbye:
My brother leaves for Seattle tomorrow. I'm happy for him but so sad I won't be seeing him much in the near future. I hope he is so happy there and enjoys every second of his new journey and life adventure. I love you, Connor!

A Hello:
I booked a flight to Kansas! I am really excited to visit! It will be the first time I have been back since I left, so it will be really great to see my girlfriends and play around. I miss everyone in Lawrence dearly and can't wait to arrive!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feelings Of The Night.

I said goodbye to my brother, Connor today. He leaves for Seattle on Friday to start his new life and I am going to miss him so much. I didn't really notice how much things changed when I went off to school because I knew that everyone and everything was waiting for me at home. But now, things are going to be different. His school is on the quarter system so we'll have different breaks and I will hardly get to see him during the year anymore.

Although I am going to miss him like crazy, I know right now he has the whole world in his hands and he has the opportunity and potential to turn his life into whatever he dreams of. He is going to be so happy in Seattle, meet all new people, drink lots of Starbucks, and start a new chapter in his life. I'm proud of him and happy for him, but I already miss him.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A few things to start off the weekend:

Happy Friday! I love a good start to the weekend.

1. Here's a follow up from my last post about my cousin, Sara. From what I can tell, everyone has been raving about her successful first night in Phantom and she is the toast of Broadway! Here's a page I found with pictures of her premier... she looks fantastic! What a happy night that must have been. Oh, and one more thing, I found this list of the "Top Ten Best Christine's" in Phantom of the Opera, and my cousin is number 3!!!!!!! Incredible! Lot's of links but check them out!

2. I am basically a pro at html now. Kidding, but seriously. I feel like I am learning so much right now in my classes and it's definitely reassuring me that I am in the right major and area of focus. I am LOVING the Technology, Arts, and Media program and everything I'm learning will be so useful when I'm managing blogs and websites for a career (..maybe? hopefully? a social media expert??) So, check out my update to my html page.

3. My brother is coming up to Boulder this weekend to visit me before he heads off to school in Seattle! This is the last time I will see him until Thanksgiving, so it'll be nice to have him. Check out his blog HERE. He doesn't update often because he claims no one reads it, so let's all give him a bit of encouragement and get him to blog more often!

4. It's basically Fall now and I am loving it. It's so perfect when it's still kind of warm but the breeze is cooler and leaves start falling. I guess I'd better soak it up because fall doesn't last long out here, and knowing Colorado, I bet the snow will start to fall within the next month :(

Happy Friday again, dear ones! Enjoy the beautiful weekend!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sara Jean Ford (My cousin, the Star!)

My cousin, Sara is making her Broadway debut tonight as the LEAD in

This is a HUGE deal and I am so happy and proud of her!
I saw her as Christine in Phantom when she was in the touring show
and it was the most incredible show I have ever seen.
Sara was born to play Christine and now she is officially a Broadway STAR!

She is such a huge influence in my life and I look up to her in so many ways. She deserves this role and I am so happy for her. I hope I'll be able to make it out to New York in the near future to see her name in lights!

I love you, Cous! Break a leg tonight!

Also, click HERE to listen to the Angel of Music!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The stats are in, and a thanks are in order!

I just discovered the "Stats" button on here that tracks how many people look at your blog, which posts are the most popular, and where people are looking from. It made me super happy to know that even though I don't have a *ton* of followers, I actually have quite a few people who look at my blog!

I learned that a lot of people look at it through posts on twitter, and even more people look at it through google (which is pretty freaking rad, I must say). The most popular search that comes up is Brianna Swain, who I write about all the time, and secondly is my name. Interesting!

This might seem like a pointless post, but to me it's really exciting. It makes me happy knowing people actually look in this little corner of the internet - and not just in the US! So thank you, to anyone who may be reading this. It means more to me than you know. This blog is my baby and I'm happy to be able to reach even a few people with my words.
