Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday Sweetness


I missed my Friday post because I was unusually busy yesterday, so here is my attempt at making it up today. This is the last weekend of break and I'm getting majorly bummed! Of course I try to convince myself that 5 weeks is not that long and it's going to fly by and be summer before I know it...but I wish it would go faster because I am so NOT ready to go back to school tomorrow!

1. Song: Because this song reminds me of summer and I want to be there right now.

2. Quote: "I know for sure that in every challenging experience there's an opportunity to grow, enhance your life or learn something invaluable about yourself." — Oprah

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-Someone will always come to look at your house that's for sale the second you lay down for a nap. Always.
-Storing things under your bed for safe keeping is a bad idea when your apartment floods.
-Anne Hathaway is growing on me.
-Skinny Jeans are growing on me. Only slightly though.
-The movie "Horton Hears a Who" is going to be the topic of a rhetorical analysis paper and I'm actually excited to write it now.

4. Picture: I'm missing everything about this picture. Family, friends, SUMMER. I can't believe I'm already closer to turning 22 than I am to my epic 21st bday. If that makes sense...

5. A takeaway: Never take little things in life for granted. Little things that make you happy, like staying in for a night and watching a movie, or indulging in something you want. Life's too short, ya know? I'm still learning to take risks and say yes to more things and although it's been giving me mad anxiety lately, I've had some pretty good experiences and no regrets. Sometimes doing things the hard way in order to have some fun and live a little is worth it. Even if that means using the last 3 days if spring break to drive all over the state of Colorado to visit friends and family. I hope your breaks were awesome and that you took some risks, relaxed, and used your time off for things that make you happy.

Enjoy the last of it, folks!

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