Thursday, February 19, 2009


i get to go home this weekend. i am beyond excited for it. i got a free flight on southwest because they have this deal for college kids where if you fly a certain amount of miles within such amount of time, you can earn free flights during the years your in college. well i earned my first one from flying back and forth so much and my dad said i could use it to come home for a weekend to make up for my lack of being home over break. so here it is! i actually feel like i could have waited to use it until after spring break (because as soon as i get back its only 17 days till home again) and i should have saved it till april because its the WORST month. no breaks, no 3 day weekends, getting ready for basically is 4 full weeks of hell. but oh well. when i booked the flight i really needed to be home, so i know itll be good. im super excited.

i talked to my therapist about the idea of transferring and i got really emotional about it. the whole thing is that, i want to be closer to my family at ALL times. i want to be able to go home for a weekend if i miss them, or in the extreme case, when my little brother is in the hospital for a week with internal bleeding (which happened right after fall break). in those situations i feel so helpless in kansas. there is NOTHING i can do. we cant afford to just bring me home whenever i feel like it and the drive is way too long for me to make by myself.

anyways...we made a list of pros and cons for both situations: going to CU and staying at KU. turns out, going to CU overwhelmingly outweighs staying at KU and it just made me cry. Not because i made a decision or because i was sad...i was MAD. at myself. because i didnt care enough in high school to take my time and make the right decision. all i cared about was getting it over with so my parents would stop hasseling me every 2 seconds. i should have toured the schools in colorado. i should have thought about it more. i should have considered things like my brothers health and feeling homesick on the weekends. but i didnt. i picked what i thought would make my parents happy and what i thought would be more "right."

turns back in the same position i was in 2 years ago. deciding between the exact same 2 schools. university of colorado and university of kansas.

i hate change. but do i need it? is it necessary in this situation? would i be able to handel that big of an adjustment again? would i like it in boulder? i have friends there but would i fit in? would i regret leaving KU? on the other hand, would i regret never trying? would i always wonder what it would have been like to go to CU? what if something happens and im stranded in the middle of nowhere, kansas?

i hate decisions. no one will give me an honest opinion and thats all i really need right now. someone to be straight up and say CHELSEA, YOU SHOULD DO THIS ONE BECAUSE.....

i need help.


Hannah said...

Chelsea...I'm creepin on your old blog posts! This one made me smile (despite that at the time you were probably not smiling while writing this haaha!) but it is ironic because I feel the exact same way right now!! I am hoping to love Boulder as much as I love you! Which is a whole lot! haha xoxo :)

Unknown said...

Ohh, Hannah you are too cute! It makes me smile that you're reading my old posts haha. I used to write a lot about transferring because it was such a huge decision but I can honestly say I am so happy with my choice to come to Boulder. It was just the right decision for me and it's such a beautiful place to be which makes me happy all the time. And you deserve to be happy and enjoy every second of your college years! I know you are going to love it here and if you EVER need anything, let me know because you know I've been there and I got your back! :) love you girl! xoxo