Friday, March 4, 2011

Five For Friday


This week FLEW by. If this is how the whole month is going to be then it'll be APRIL in no time and SUMMER before we know it! (wishful thinking & fingers crossed.) It's just crazy how fast time seems to pass when you wish it would slow down, and how slow it seems to go when you need it to speed up! But, here we are, first week in March and this month will be full of great things, I just know it.

1. Song of the week: "Who's that Chick?" by David Guetta & Rihanna. If you feel like dancing. Which I do.

2. Quote of the week: "There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, then that's just fabulous."- Sarah Jessica Parker

3. 5 things I learned this week:
-Giving money to a homeless man that looks really sweet can be a terrifying experience.
-Going in to talk with a teacher can be very rewarding.
-My favorite KU alum, Paul Rudd was in Romeo and Juliet?? Never realized that before. (watched it last of my favorite movies ever - the LEO version, that is.)
-Britney Spears' 2nd single is WAY better than her first.. total redemption.
-I'm probably going to cry when Jillian Michaels leaves the Biggest Loser.

4. A Picture/Memory: This is one of my favorite memories because it was one of the happiest days of my life. Cory, Me, and Kirby woke up at 5:00 in the morning to drive to Disneyland, spent the entire day there from open to close, and ran around the park singing classic Disney songs and riding every single ride all day long. By the end of the day we were like little children having a sugar crash as we could barely keep our eyes open on the drive home. It was one of those days you wish you could repeat a million times because it was so special.

5. A takeaway:
I leave this week behind feeling grateful. I usually really hate spring semester because it drags on and on without any days off until spring break, it's freezing, and all around miserable. But this time around (and my very last spring semester ever, I might add) something is different. The weather is nicer, it's going by faster, and I'm enjoying it more than usual. Maybe it's a change in attitude or maybe the atmosphere but whatever it is, I'm grateful that I get to experience one last spring in Boulder - and it's turning out to be beautiful. Reminding myself everyday to not take time for granted and to enjoy every stage of where I'm at in life.

Have a good, happy weekend loves. You deserve it.

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