Monday, November 26, 2012


Well, I sort of failed at my annual November giving thanks routine, but that doesn't mean I'm not and haven't been thankful all along. You see, as much as I love my blog and having the freedom to write and put my thoughts out there, I love even more that I'm at a place in my life where I don't HAVE to write 4 times a week to keep myself going. I'm busy - in a GOOD way. And I'm happy about that.

I just got back from California for the holiday and it was an adventure to say the least. In the last 10ish years my immediate family has gone from celebrating in our traditional way to giving up and going out to dinner every year. But since moving to Vegas we've been lucky enough to spend the last 2 Thanksgivings in California with the rest of the clan - but not without your typical family drama.

See, I LOVE spending time with my extended family so much. I love them more than anything and I get so giddy and excited about family get-togethers (unlike most people who tend to despise family time because of all the drama involved). Me? I sat at the dinner table watching everyone yelling about "PASS THE MASHED POTATOES DOWN!" and "WHERE THE HELL IS UNCLE JOHN?" and "YOU ONLY GET ONE ROLL THIS YEAR, KYLA! WE DON'T WANT A REPEAT OF LAST YEAR!" and I thought to myself, God, I love this. This is my family. We are loud and dramatic and crazy but we are together and we love each other and that's just about the best thing I could have in my life. It's not very often that we're all together in the same place at the same time, so when we are I try to soak it up and appreciate every second.

We even had a little "snort" of scotch in honor of Sally as we went around the table and gave thanks for all the wonderful things about her that we love and will miss. It was really special.

And of course, the after dinner jam sesh that I LIVE for.

And since I failed so miserably at blogging my thanks this year, I give you the top 10 things I'm thankful for this year:

10. Lessons learned.
Before I get too deep into the awesome things that make me appreciative, I'm also thankful for the sometimes not-so-awesome stuff. I may not be at the time it's happening, but I'm able to look back on the many, MANY lessons I've learned this year and be thankful. I've learned a lot about a lot and I'm a better person for it.

9. Vegas.
Moving here has been a huge blessing to me. It took some adjusting and a long time to get to a happy place, but it definitely has become my home in just one short year. I'm grateful that I'm here and I'm happy.

8. The ninos.
Sophie and Nick (the kids I babysat for for the first 7 months of the year) kept me sane when I first moved to Vegas. They kept me occupied and upbeat and on my toes. I was quickly headed down a path that included wading through a shit storm and without even knowing it, they kept my head above water. I love those kids. 

7. My God-sister Lindsey.

Of course I'm always thankful for Lindsey - or as I like to call her now, Dr. Murphy. This has been a year of changes with many ups and downs for both of us, but she's been at my side through EVERY single part of this year. I honestly do not know what I would have done without her next to me, arm-n-arm, helping me through.

6. My siblings.
Duh. I love Ashley and Connor more than the average person loves their siblings. And I miss them both more than the average person misses their siblings. And lucky for me, I've had the opportunity to visit both of them in their cities this year, San Fran & Seattle.

5. Sally.
Thanksgiving was not the same this year, but I won't be forgetting our toast to our gal any time soon. She was all around.

4. New friends.
The new friends I've made both in Vegas and around the country, since moving here and since starting my job. They've made me wonder how I could have possibly gone so long without them. Surrounded by some really great people and couldn't be more happy about having them in my life.

3. My job.
I can't express how thankful I am for dR and the entire dR team. I'm so lucky that the universe placed me right where I was supposed to be. I thought I knew where I was meant to be and I fought kicking and screaming to get there, but thankfully the universe had a different plan for me that I just couldn't see and I could not be happier with the outcome. I can't imagine a better fit for me. I'm so grateful. Note to self: trust the universe.

2. Cory.
Soulmate. Always. And I'm thankful that living in Vegas has allowed us to live closer together once again and for the first time in 11 years, spend SO much more time together. It's been more important than ever to me this year, and it's been incredible having her close.

1. My fam.
They've shown me on multiple occasions throughout the year - they've got my back. No matter what. And for that, I couldn't be more thankful to have the family that I do.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Today I'm thankful for my Sally.

Since the day I was born Sally was at every birthday, every Thanksgiving, every graduation, every milestone, for my family and I. She was an important, shining member of our family and sadly she passed away early yesterday morning. She was a light in my life - always so positive and encouraging. Her laugh was loud and contagious and her hugs were strong. She spoke her mind, and took a genuine interest in everyone around her. She never missed an opportunity to be present.

I'm not sure what it will be like without her at every family celebration from here on out, but I do know that there will be a noticeable empty place where she'll be loved and missed forever. The only thing to do now is to keep her incredible spirit alive and never let that flame go out.

I'm thankful for the many years I got to have her in my life. For the laughs we used to share, and for the most amazing hugs you can imagine. Thanks, Sally, for flying out to my high school graduation AND my 21st birthday party. And for taking care of us so well when grandpa died. Those are the memories I will take with me and cherish forever. You are so, so loved.

Friday, November 16, 2012

25 years.

Today I'm recognizing how thankful I am for my parents,
who just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this week.
Happy silver.

Please note the hair.
25 years.

I can't even imagine where I'll be ONE year from now, let alone 25 years. But how lucky am I to have been raised by two people who have stayed committed to each other for so long? I hope that one day I'll be lucky enough to follow in their footsteps.

And not only am I thankful for having their marriage as a role model for strength, endurance, and commitment, I'm lucky to have been raised by some pretty kick-ass people as well. I look up to my parents so much and I probably still lean on them more than I should. But I'm thankful that they've supported me through every stage of my life, every single up and down, all the uncertainties, the exciting times, the not-so-good times, my best and worst moments. They've always had my back and I couldn't ask for much more than that.

Cheers to you guys.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today I want to recognize how thankful I am for my youth. I REALLY love being 23 years old. 

When I was a kid I was so eager to grow up as fast as possible. I always wanted to hang with the big kids. I never liked sitting at the kids table at Christmas. Yet I always ended up being the youngest person in the room (and still usually am). But over time I've come to embrace that fact and love it because I know I'll never be this young again.

I'm thankful that I still get to enjoy going out on Friday nights and being hungover all day on Saturday and sometimes into Sunday.

I'm thankful that I sometimes get random urges to take the zip line down Fremont Street at 2am. And that I have the energy to be spontaneous.

I'm thankful that I'm at a point in my life where I can enjoy learning and growing and I don't have to know everything just yet. I'm thankful that I have the freedom to be my own person and have my own experiences and that it's ok to be selfish about it sometimes.

I'm thankful that it's understood that I'm young and therefore am expected to make mistakes and learn from them. I'm thankful that I'm young enough to still be finding out who I am and where my life is going and that I don't have to have it all figured out by now. I don't WANT to have it all figured out by now.

And I'm thankful that I still get the most intense amount of joy from going to Disneyland - the one place on earth that knows how to bring out the kid in me and remind me that growing up is overrated.

My recent favorite quote by Steve Jobs: 
Stay hungry, stay foolish.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Democratic Process.

On this day in November, the night before my second presidential election, I'm thankful for the democratic process. 

I don't think I acknowledge enough how lucky I am to live in a country where I have rights and choices and a chance to use my voice. I take it for granted, for sure. But with the presidential election looming over my head, I'm definitely acknowledging that right now. I'm thankful for the chance to speak my mind and stand up for what I believe in. You might disagree with me, you might even say horrible things about me and my party as a whole - outspokenly, behind our backs, or passive aggressively, but that's your right as well. I will never stop standing up for myself and my family and my friends and every single American in this wonderful nation. I believe in us. I believe how great this country can be. I believe in pushing forward and progressing as a nation until we reach our full potential where everyone is treated equally and has choices and is given the same opportunity to love and succeed.

So today (and tomorrow as well), I'm thankful for the opportunity to voice my opinion. Whether I win or lose, I will never stop fighting for myself, and for you, and for all of us.

Voter apathy is not an excuse. Use the voice you've been given. Stand up. Participate. Love your country. Respect yourself and the people around you. I voted. Did you?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

To saying YES.

It feels like it's been a long time since I wrote anything substantial. Looking back on pretty much this entire year I've struggled with what to say for almost every single situation I've been thrown into. It hasn't been easy feeling like my one means of outlet has had a wall up around it. I guess it's probably out of fear for who might actually read the intense things that would inevitably come out of my mind if I really let myself go there. Sometimes I'm not sure I want to even share them with the world - or  the 3ish people I'm certain read my blog.

But all that is beside the point. I really have been trying to pick it up lately. In fact, this morning I was newly inspired (again) by my best friend who wrote a blog post about making a pact with herself on a new degree of discipline with her writing.

It struck me because I've always had that. When I was in college I used to work writing into my schedule 3, 4 times a week. Somehow this year I've completely set writing on the back burner. I recently took a trip to California again - perfect material, yet somehow I have yet to post about it. I've even let my annual, blogging TRADITION fall by the wayside - my yearly "I am thankful" segment. Believe me, I was all about to pick up the pace and start promptly on November 1st, but I failed at that too out of laziness. And then I read Cor's blog and in the second line saw the phrase "Yes-vember." Boom. There is was.

Chelsea - quit saying no. Quit shelving the things you want to do for yourself. Write, and if someone doesn't want to read it then that's their problem. This is your life. Let it out. Be intense. Be boring. Be yourself. It's not too late to pick up the 2012 pace and get yourself back on track. Start with your blog and work your way from there. It's helped in the past and it will work again.

YES-vember is the perfect time because there's already a built in theme. What are you thankful for? Every day. Be thankful every single day. Start 4 days late - who cares! Start saying YES to yourself.

Today I'm thankful for the fact that I'm sensitive enough to language and thought that one simple word has the power to inspire me.

To saying YES this month and tackling my favorite time of year head on.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

We can do it!

You guys. Something awesome happened today.

Yesterday was Halloween. I wasn't as into it this year as I was last year, and at one point the night before I almost just gave up on my costume all together. But I hung on for the childhood thrill of pretending to be someone else for a day. We all need that every once in a while.

So I decided to go as Rosie the Riveter. I know it's overdone and probably cliche, but it's also an election year so I thought it was fitting. Plus, she's an icon and a total bad ass and I needed a little bad assery in my life for a moment. So I dawned my red lipstick and wore that bandana to work.

I had my friend and co-worker, Julie take a picture of me in the "Rosie Pose" from my iPhone - simply for the joy of Instagramming it. But of course, being in social media I had to also share out on Facebook and Twitter and Tumblr.

Turns out, someone from the Obama campaign (or maybe Obama himself? I dream...) saw my picture and reblogged it. And in the last 2 hours it's gotten over 2,000 re-blogs and likes, putting a HUGE smile on my face.

Mostly because, we CAN do it. And beyond the Halloween costume, I believe in it. I believe in our president and I believe in women's rights and I feel damn good knowing that my little Instagram picture is getting shared around. Thanks for the support, world.

Also, I guess it's been officially decided via tumblr that my new doppelganger is Hilary Duff. Or Lizzie McGuire, if you will.