Saturday, December 31, 2011

Looking back on 2011

A Year in Review
For a long time I've thought that 2006 was my best year. It was the last full year I can remember where tons of great, life-changing things happened to me and I felt like I was at my peak (which I hope isn't true because if I peaked at 17 then that's a problem). And since then I've gone into every single year with the hope that it would be the next 2006. And when it wasn't, I became sorely disappointed and discouraged. But not this year. On December 31st, 2010 I made the decision that 2011 was going to be my year. I was determined to make it the best year ever for the sole reason that I deserved to have a really awesome year. I deserved to be happy and have good things happen to me - so if they weren't going to magically happen on their own then god damn it, I was going to take it into my own hands and MAKE them happen. And it worked, because I did. I stepped myself up on so many levels that I almost don't recognize the Chelsea from, say, 2009 (which is a really good thing, I might add).

When I wrote out last year's New Years Resolutions, I meant every word I said (except the whole working out part...don't judge) and I made it a point to remind myself of them every single day until it just became a part of my life. I said yes to WAY more things that would have been easy to say no to, tried new things, I wrote more (128 posts this year compared to last year's 104), and was more honest with myself and others (which actually felt REALLY good)...everything I wrote down, I did this year. So, for all you non-believers, new years resolutions CAN work if you are determined enough to make it happen.

In 2011 I completed my certificate in Technology, Arts, and Media, got the internship of my DREAMS at UFC, officially sold our house and moved out of my home in Colorado and spent the summer in Vegas for 3&1/2 months, met my soulmate CHELSEA DEUCES (who I give major credit to for breaking me out of my shell and my recently found confidence in myself), got to travel to Pittsburgh and Milwaukee for the internship, fell madly in love with Public Relations and made it my primary career path, saw a lot of epic concerts, met a LOT of awesome people, finished college and graduated with a degree in Communications, moved to Vegas permanently, OH and I humiliated myself/became best friends with Mark Ballas last night. All in all, it was THE most memorable year I've probably ever had and I am so thankful for every second of it.

Of course it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine - it was a lot of hard work and it came with it's awful moments too. The sudden death of my brother's best friend, Scott was the lowest point of the year. But it tested my family's strength and brought us closer. Even in the most challenging moments, you can always find the will to get through and carry on, which is something I learned this year. You don't always have to crumple when things get tough. And I think it's absolutely true what they say: What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I'm a much stronger person after this year.

I think I realized a lot of things about myself this year. I'm stronger than I think, more capable than I give myself credit for, really hardworking when I'm doing something I enjoy, passionate about more than I knew, smarter than I believed, more anxious and stressed out than I realized (working on it), and I have a lot more room in my heart than just the small percentage I've been using. This year was about me and learning to grow as a person. And I'm proud of myself for how far I've come.

A Year in Pictures
I had some really freaking awesome, stand-out moments this year. Take a look, I've attempted to narrow it down to my pick of the best of the best.
Seeing Elton John in Concert
Best bachelorette party in the history of ever.
Brian Stann
Roy Nelson
Matt Hamill after UFC 130
Goo Goo Dolls Concert
Seeing Bruno Mars and Janelle Monae in Concert
Meeting Janelle Monae after her show
Trip to Pittsburgh
Heinz Field
22nd Birthday
Nikki Beach
Annual visit

Milwaukee Brewers Game
Last day at the internship

Great American Beer Festival
College graduation

New Years Resolutions
This year my resolutions are a little different than last year, but I plan on committing to them just the same. This year I want to find a job I like, continue writing more, and welcome all the changes in my life instead of panicking and being scared of them. I want to open up my heart more this year and see what the world has to offer me instead of being closed off to certain possibilities. I want to be more spontaneous and have fun with my life. I'm 22 years old and there's no reason why I shouldn't be stoked on taking chances and appreciating being young and reckless while I still can. Oh, and I guess I'm giving up Dr. Pepper too. That one will probably be the hardest of them all, if I'm being honest... and while we're being honest, probably will be the resolution that doesn't last past January. Oh well.

 I hope you all have a wonderful, happy, exciting New Years Eve
and an even better 2012!

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